Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas From the Busy Family...

Busy ironic:) I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. We are off to my families so I will catch up with you all when I get back. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Chris did not meet honormommy. He met a woman who has kids with the same name as honormommy and assumed it was honormommy. Looking back, however, he understands now why said woman was so confused when he told her he was married to busymommy. He apologizes for the misunderstanding and will no longer be telling people his wife's name is busymommy.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Name That Tune #14...

Deity grants respite to a trio of happy cavaliers.

I'm Not Sure I Get This One...

Z: Mom, can you help me put these socks on so I can be a super hero?
Mom: Okay. Are these super hero socks?
Z: Not really.
Mom: Oh. But super heroes wear socks.
Z: No, super heroes don't wear socks, but I'm going to be a super hero who does wear socks. But not mittens 'cause they are too hard to put on.

The Tag Goes In The Back...

"Mommy, could you cut the tag out of these pants so they will be on right?"
-Z, after discovering that his pants were on backwards.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Dear Chelley and Photo...

I would very much like to send you a Christmas card, but since we have never actually spoken I do not have your actual addresses. If you would like to recieve a card from me would you please have Mel or HS send me you address. I will get those right into the mail! Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

Still Laughing...

"Glory to God in the highest and on earth oatmeal for men!"

-Z, very triumphantly!

Things M Said That Could Easily Be Misinterpreted...


DAD! Look at my caboose!


Z, stop stepping on my parts!

Name That Tune #12...

Singular yearning for the twin anterior incisors.

My Christmas Gift From Sparkle...

Babysitting Certificate

This certificate is good for an evening of babysitting for two handsome boys.

*Please allow a week's notice if possible. Your house or mine. Not good on Wednesday. Void where prohibited, taxed or illegal. Not redeemable for cash. Not valid in New Jersey.

I love my friend, Sparkle:D

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Big Winner...

We had a food drive this month at church. The big prize was that the winning Sunday school class got to throw a pie in our youth pastors face as well as one of their teachers. Guess which teacher was the lucky winner? :OD

Name That Tune #11...

Nocturnal noiselessness.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Peacock Story...

(Chris and I were reminiscing and he said I should blog this one.)

Last summer when we were at the zoo there was a peacock roaming around. M was trying to scare it so it would fan out its feathers. Chris explained that male peacocks only do that when they are trying to attract a mate, in 7 year-old terms, "They fan out their feathers to show off when a pretty girl is around." M looked at me and said, "Mom, go over by that peacock so I can see all his tail!" Isn't he just the sweetest thing???

Name That Tune #10...

Parent was observed osculating a red-coated unshaven sleigh driver.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Good Luck Explaining That...

M (looking at Z who is wiggling on the floor by him): Z, do you need to use the potty?
Z: No.
M: Are you sure?
Z: NO!
M: Okay, but if you wet your pants again mom will probably lose it. Then you will have to be the one to explain to dad why mom's brains are falling out her ears.
Z promptly gets up and goes to the bathroom.

Name That Tune #9...

Bleached Yule.

What Exactly Is A Customer...

Last night The Stallion took M to a Suns Game. Since the Suns scored more than 99 points we could take the tickets to Jack in the Box today and get two free tacos per ticket. So I took the boys to JB for lunch.
Me: I'd like a large fry, two small sodas, a cheeseburger and four free tacos. (Show her the tickets.)
Cashier: You can only use one ticket per customer.
Me: There are three of us and I only have two tickets.
Cashier: Only people who went to the game can use them.
Me (pointing at M): He went to the game.
Cashier: They aren't customers.
Me: They are ordering food, paying for it and eating it. I think that qualifies them as customers.
Cashier: They aren't paying, you are.
Me: So if I give him the ticket and he orders his tacos separately will he be a customer then?
Cashier: No. You can only use one ticket.

So I used one ticket and then went through the drive thru for my other two free tacos. What a dork.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

In Honor Of Hobbitsister...

Happy Birthday, Donny Osmond!

The Color Conversation...

Chris: I can't write a check in pink. I'll use the turquoise pen.
Me: Why can't you write in pink?
Chris: It isn't masculine.
Me: But turquoise is?
Chris: It's sort of blue.
Me: You used to write me letters in purple. Purple isn't really that masculine, either.
Chris: It isn't pink.

Name That Tune #8...

Jolly red-suited man en route to village.

He's Cute...

"Oh, no! My underwear is inside-out. Its okay, though. I know how to turn it inside-right!"

-Z (right before he attempted to turn his underwear "inside-right" while still wearing it.)

Monday, December 8, 2008

On The 2nd Day of Christmas My True Love Gave To Me...

two noisy boys and a mommy going crazy!!!!!

Name That Tune #7...

Rotund personification fabricated of compressed mounds of minute crystals.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Name That Tune #6...

The quadruped with the vermilion proboscis.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Yet Another Reason Why I Love The Stallion...

He is currently in our kitchen wearing a Santa apron and baking our youngest son's birthday cake and 6 dozen chocolate caramel cookies for me to take to the cookie exchange tomorrow. What a lucky girl I am!

What A Memory...

M: What are you two talking about?
Me: We're trying to remember what day you were born on. It was a Tuesday or a Wednesday.
M: It was a Tuesday. I remember.
Me: You don't remember. You were just born.
M: Okay, okay. It was a Wednesday.

Name That Tune #5...

Cup-shaped instruments fashioned of a shiny metallic element.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Dear Hobbitsister,

If you just happened to be making those peanut-butter ritz cookies this year and are near a post office would you please send me one? I try to make them every year, but they never taste like yours and I haven't had one since I moved. I would gladly pay the shipping. But only if you happened to be making them. Either way I still love you.

With Love,

(For those of you who haven't had HS cookies, these are the best because they have peanut-butter and chocolate, which is very happy!)

Guaranteed Relationship Cures...

1. God.
2. Prayer.
3. Cosmo.

Name That Tune #4...

Castaneous-colored seed vesicated in a conflagration.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Name That Tune #3...

Frozen precipitation allowed.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

M's Future Career...

"I've decided that I'm either going to be a dentist that travels around the world or an artist that travels around the world. Either way I'm probably going to need a coat."

Name That Tune #2...

Boulder of the tinkling metal spheres.

(I posted yesterdays answer under comments:)

What's In A Name...

Z: My toucan's name is Pinnochio.
Me: That's a good name for a bird.
Z: And a little wooden boy, too!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Not All That Helpful...

Me: Where are the matches?
Chris: In the bedroom or someplace else.

A Christmas Joke For You...

What do you get from sitting on the ice too long?

Name That Tune #1...

Decorate the entryways.

Only At My House...

"Mom, here is your beautiful star that used to be on the Christmas tree, but now has cheeto stains all over it."

December 1st...

WHAT!?!?!?!? I'm still trying to figure out what happened to October!

Sign's of Maturity...

"I think I've outgrown the Simpson's and moved onto Family Guy."
-The Stallion

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Christmas Quote...

"Think of having a whole penny of your very own. Think of having a cup and a cake and a stick of candy and a penny. There had never been such a Christmas."

-Laura Ingalls Wilder, Little House on the Prairie

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Life...

Z's Not Feeling Well...

so I gave him some Motrin. He finished it and then said sadly, "I drank it all gone and its still not working." Poor baby...

Monday, November 24, 2008

That Doesn't Make Sense...

M (very indignant): If I'm not English then how come I like English muffins?

My Pantry Is A Mess...

but instead of cleaning it I'm just sitting here reading email and praying. And blogging, apparently...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Anniversary...

to me! The Stallion and I have been married for a dozen years today. And I truthfully love him and cherish him more today than I did the day we were married.

(My wonderful father called today to tell us that they had bought us an anniversary card. He said it was still sitting on his coffee table. Then he apologized and offered to read it to us over the phone:) I love my dad so much!)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Chris's Inner Monologue...

Apparently he misplaced it somewhere.

A Very Boy Conversation...

M: Z, remember that time you puked at the store?
Z: Target?
M: No, that other time.
Z: Michaels?
M: No, the other time.
Z: Trader Joes? Safeway?
M: No, that other time!
Z: Oh, Walmart.
M: Yeah, that time. Geez, Z you puke a lot!
Z: Yeah. I know.

Z and the "Pokeys"...

Z was rubbing Chris's face the other day and commented on his "pokeys". Then he rubbed my face and his face and came to the following conclusion.

"Bigger boys have pokeys, but not little boys. Or girls. If a girl had pokeys I wouldn't want to pet her anyway."

My Proud, Hard Self...

"If we are really open to the conviction as we seek fellowship with God, God will show us the expression of this proud, hard self that cause Him pain."

-Roy Hession, The Calvary Road

My proud, hard self causes God pain. How sad that I never thought about it like that before.

Things I Have Learned From Our Current Economy...

I am the only one who can taste the difference between Kraft and the store brand Mac and Cheese.

One stop shopping only works if you don't forget 5 things.

If we run out of milk before I shop on Friday it can still wait. The kids won't die from drinking water and eating oatmeal for two days.

Dried beans are cheaper and make a lot more chili than canned ones.

1 pot of chili can bless 3 families without stretching my grocery budget.

Baking a cake with a mix bought on sale is cheaper than ice-cream and the kids don't care because dessert is dessert.

Everyone is pretty much in the same boat we are, so planning picnics at the park works great for everyone.

You can spend an hour at the Lego store and still have fun without buying anything.

The first thing to cut from the budget is cleaning supplies since I don't really use those anyway.

Except for laundry soap, but you can use about half a cup and get your clothes just as clean. Also, if you cut your fabric softener sheets in half you get twice as many for the same price.

My husband is a wonderful provider who never complains about how hard he has to work for us.

God continues to provide for all our needs and we continue to rely on Him, which means we've have nothing to worry about.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Yet Another Reason Why I Love My Husband...

Tonight the Stallion got so excited that I made a cake he sang me the Oompa Loompa song with brand new lyrics. I'd print them, but this blog is G-rated...


M was playing waiter this evening.

"Hi! Welcome to the seashell restaurant. My name is M. If you need anything just let me know. I will be right here. Or somewhere else."

Jack In The Box...

Guy on commercial: Who would have thought you could get a whole meal in a bowl?
Chris: Ever heard of soup???

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Things My Boys Said This Weekend...

M (while pretending his necktie was a whip): Man, have I got some skills with a tie!

Chris (while at a crowded buffet): Okay, the next guy that gets that close to me is buying me a drink!

Z (while unpacking the Veggie Tales Nativity Set): Look, Bob Shepherd and Larry King!

Friday, November 14, 2008

We Are Such Parents...

Me (frustrated): Flippity, flip-flops!

Chris: Mommy has a potty mouth today!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Maternity Clothes...

I offered a friend my maternity clothes, but sorting through them I just realized that I really wasn't styling much when I was pregnant. Oh, well. She can always add some bling.


Did you ever stop to think how amazing this guy was? I mean, not only did he invent the coolest things, but he always knew which inventions James Bond would need for each mission and sent only those. He was always %100 accurate. Like I said, amazing.

God Hates Sin...

"Some might find it surprising that I teach my nine-year-old about God's wrath toward sin. But I find it surprising that any loving person would withhold this truth from another person they love. Because only when we understand God's wrath toward sin can we realize that we need to be saved from it. Only when we hear they very bad news that we're deserving of judgment can we appreciate the very good news that God has provided salvation through His Son."

-C.J. Mahaney "The Cross Centered Life"

Chris's Trip...

Okay, Chris and his friends are home safely and he is at work so my hands aren't otherwise occupied;P He said it went really well and that it was an incredible experience. The family they built a home for had 3 small children, the oldest a little older than Z and in an odd coincidence named Z. The father was not a Christian and what a wonderful example they were able so show just be accepting him anyway. Chris's favorite moment is when they had the house half done, the roof on and walls framed and Z (not mine:) kept running in one door and out the other yelling, "CASA! CASA! CASA!" Chris is talking about taking M next year, but we'll see. My friend LP and her family are missionaries and speak Spanish, so they ran a program for the children. Chris is already talking about his trip next year, so I'd say it went really well! Thanks for all the prayers. We are glad he went and glad he's home:)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mixed Emotions...

Z: Mommy? Will you read me 100 books right now?

(Chris called. He'll be home in about 90 minutes. Smiles.)

The Stallion Returns...

Chris is coming home tonight! (Translation: Can't blog. Kissing.)

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Someone dropped by today to leave a package and commented on my "unusual taste in artwork". Let me try to explain.

My entryway is filled with the most beautiful art you have ever laid eyes on. That picture of Rocket? M drew that for Z when he was sick. That drawing of a choo-choo train that's hanging a little crooked? Z drew it and then hung it up all by himself. The lovely welcome home card was created just for us by Little Miss Muffet and taped to our door when we came home from Disneyland. We knew right away who it was from because of all the sparkly heart stickers. That blue storm trooper was hand-painted by my MN Neph who really liked his b-day gift this year. That cut out heart with the silly face on it? My husband made that just for me and left it on my nightstand. That paper plate covered in feathers is actually the dove that brought the olive branch back to Noah and the ribbon covered in beans and rice reminds us that God provides for all our needs. That family portrait was created by a 7-year-old, if you can believe it. And no, he didn't spell October wrong on that handmade calender; he knows how to write October in Spanish. And that very colorful drawing above the chair? Well, I don't really know what it is supposed to be, but I do know that Z spent over an hour working on it with the tip of his little tongue sticking out.

So what did I tell the UPS guy today? I just said, "I bet you've never seen so much priceless art on one wall!"

Day 2 Without My Baby...

Okay, I managed to get both boys out the door to the 8:30 service this morning. I did forget their canned food donation, but promised to send them with double next week. (I remembered their offering, though.) Then we went to Costco for lunch (hot-dogs and samples) and bought Chris's Christmas gift (wrapped and hidden now). We ran by the bookstore and bought a new movie to watch together. Had soup for dinner, consoled Z with the knowledge that daddy will be home tomorrow. Reminded M that what daddy is doing is very important and we are glad he went. Prayed with boys. Put them to bed and threw on tennis shoes. Now I'm cleaning my house to keep myself occupied. I know this will be easier the next time he leaves and, again, I am thrilled he was able to go and am so looking forward to hearing what a blessing this weekend was for him. (I have a sitter coming Tuesday around lunch so I can take Chris out and hear all about it:). Now I am going to frantically clean my house and hopefully exhaust myself before I fall asleep on Chris's pillow. (Its funny how accustomed one gets to not sleeping alone.)

Before I forget, I had a GREAT time with my girls last night. I love my friends because they are so goofy and so Godly all at the same time. We talked about our "relationships" with our husbands, what we don't wear (I was shocked!) and how God is currently working in our lives. Plus we had Chinese food, Starbucks and my sweet K made cookies (my favorite, I ate 4!!!). Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with such beautiful friends. (You guys are TOTALLY included in that sentiment:)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Stallions Rides Away...

Chris left this morning on a missions trip to Mexico where he will spend three days building a house for a Christian family there. I am so thrilled that he had the desire to do this and couldn't be happier that he was actually able to go. However, our home is always happier when he is in it and our family isn't really complete without him. I miss him so much already. The boys and I are keeping ourselves pretty busy this weekend and tonight I am going out with some of my girlfriends. (We are going out for Chinese food which is happy.) Please pray for Chris and his friends while they are away and the boys and I while he is away. Here is a link to Amor Ministries if you are interested in what he is doing.

Amor Ministries

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Thanksgiving Tree...

At our house every November we hang a tree. Every day we each add a leaf that has the year, our names and something we are thankful for. At the end of the month I laminate the leaves. Each year we hang up our tree we hang all the leaves from all the years. We have 5 years up now and it looks lovely to me. This is the first year Z has really understood what we are doing so it has been a lot of fun. Yesterday he was thankful for our family. Today when I asked him what he was thankful for he said, "Our family". I reminded him that he said that yesterday then gave him a few suggestions of other people and things he could be thankful for. He just grinned at me and said, "I'm really thankful for our family, but its okay, we have lots of leaves!"

Voting Was Fun...

Considering how the election turned out I am so glad I took M and Z with me to vote because we had a great time. There was no line and I was able to walk M through the entire voting process from start to finish. He was even able to look over the ballot without me feeling hurried. He asked a ton of questions and was so fascinated by all of it that I was suddenly fascinated, too. We even got in a little math by figuring out how many years it would be before he could vote for the president. And Z was a perfect little angel the whole time we were there. Just sat in the stroller and played with Megatron. Like I said, voting was fun.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

As I Head Off To Cast My Vote...

So, grant us peace.
Jesus, grant us peace.
Move our hearts to hear a single beat.
Between alibis and enemies tonight.

Or maybe not, not today.
Peace might be another world away.
And if that's the case...

We'll give thanks to you,
With gratitude.
For lessons learned in how to trust in you.
That we are blessed beyond what we could ever dream,
In abundance or in need.
And if you never grant us peace...
But, Jesus, would you please...

-Nichole Nordeman, "Gratitude"

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hey, Hobbitsister...

I thought about you today when the speaker at my Bible Study showed a clip from Jon and Kate Plus 8.

When Z Grows Up...

I almost forgot to blog about how Z cracked up his Sunday School teachers at Bible Study today. Apparently they were discussing Halloween costumes and somehow ended up having a "what do you want to be when you grow up" conversation. So one of the teachers asked Z what he was planning to be and after thinking about it for a bit he told them this...

"When I grow up I'm gonna be even bigger trouble than I am now!"

Sleep Overs...

I was attempting to explain to M why he was not allowed to sleep over at girls houses. I guess he didn't really get the point...

M: When will I be old enough?
Busy: You are TOO old. Its not appropriate.
M: So, I can never sleep over with a girl ever???
Busy: Well, when you get married you can have sleep overs with your wife.
M: Maybe, but we don't know for sure if she'll want to.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Z's Sunday School Story...

"Today my story was about Abraham and me!"

From Now On...

When anyone jokingly asks if The Stallion and I "need to be alone" I'm just going to say, "Yes, please!" ;D


Z asked if he could have a bagel with chocolate peanut-butter and m&m's on it, but don't worry. I told him he couldn't have m&m's until his bagel was gone.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dear Hershey...

Your new Bliss chocolates are not so much "bliss" as just square hersheys kisses. Get a new recipe.

Estelle Reiner Died...

She and Carl were married in 1943. That is so incredible to me. What a loss he must be feeling right now.

M's Blog...

Today I made a sugar skull. I got to be on TV. And that was fun!

Fox 10...

M was on TV this morning, only it was live so I can't post a clip to it yet. I'm hoping I will be able to just so you can see how proud he was to have been included. It was really sweet.

Okay, here is the link. M's 3 Seconds of fame

You can't see him very well, but he is the blond kid in the tan shirt. They were making Day of the Dead projects, but whatever. He was thrilled with it!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


"These cool erasers make homework fun!"

Right. Because so many kids tell their parents, "I wouldn't complain about my homework if I just had a cool eraser."

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Things I Probably Shouldn't Blog About...

See "Things I Probably Shouldn't Say Out Loud".

Things I Probably Shouldn't Say Out Loud...

"I love Nerds so much I could totally eat this whole box. Only then I'd probably puke. But at least it would be rainbow colored."

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Goodnight Mom (with apologies to Margaret Wise Brown)...

In the messy green family room
There was a telemarketer ringing the telephone
And a crying toddler because his brother just popped his red balloon
And a picture of-

The cow jumping over the moon (which someone had colored on with permanent marker)
And there was a missing teddy bear, and a girl with gum in her hair

And one to be scolded and laundry to be folded
And a very hungry spouse and something stinky in the house
(that no one else seemed to smell)

And a comb and a brush and colicky baby who just wouldn't shush
And a frazzled mommy screaming #*%#@

Goodnight messy room
Goodnight scribbled-on moon
Goodnight cow getting out while she can
Goodnight telemarketers and the popped balloon
Goodnight long-gone teddy bear
Goodnight cereal bar smeared all over the dining room chair

Goodnight spitup
And goodnight leaky sippy cup
Goodnight much-too-little house and
Goodnight grumpy spouse
Goodnight comb and goodnight brush
And goodnight to a certain 4-year-old
who just needs to hush right now I mean it

Goodnight Elmo
Goodnight toys we'll pick up tomorrow,
or the next day
Hello Chardonnay and TiVo-
"me" time finally

-Sarah Jio

Friday, October 24, 2008

I Am So Famous...

The disease that almost killed me almost killed this kid on House tonight. I am so famous.

Movies I've Never Seen But Would Probably Enjoy...

High School Musical
Air Force One
Saw (just kidding, I wouldn't like it)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Schindler's List

Movies I Did See But Regret Watching...
Bad Boys 2
Blair Witch Project
Star Wars Episode 3
Pac Man Christmas (just kidding, I kinda liked it, but I was only 6)

Dear Fellow Drivers...

If it was your loved one those emergency vehicles were rushing to help wouldn't you want everyone else to move over and yield to them? Just wondering...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Z At The Pumpkin Patch...

At the pumpkin patch today Z kept insisting he wanted a "triangle eye" pumpkin. I kept trying to explain it to him, but he just wasn't getting it...

Z: These pumpkins don't have triangle eyes. They are blind pumpkins. They need eyes to see where they are going.

Mom: Where are they going?

Z: I guess it doesn't matter 'cause they couldn't see it anyway!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

M's New Choir Song...

Your love will last forever.
Its like a mighty river.
That flows and flows forever;
never stopping.
Your awesome love protects me.
When I sin Your love corrects me.
Your faithful to direct me;
always to Your love.

And when I choose to disobey;
You bring me back to Your truth.
You daily show Your love for me;
by making me like You.

Your Love

Monday, October 20, 2008

Small Town Life...

Chelley's post about small towns reminded me of this story.

The Stallions family has always attended the demolition derby to watch his uncle and cousin. Shortly after we became engaged Chris took me to the demolition derby (which I had never seen before). All of his extended family was there and while I knew most of them, I didn't recognize a lady standing in the middle of them holding an umbrella. So I asked Chris who she was and how they were related, but he didn't know. So he asked his mom who also didn't know. So she asked his aunt who didn't know. Finally we asked his grandma who looked at her for quite awhile before finally saying, "I don't know. We aren't related to her." Coming from a small family in a big city this was very amusing to me until we got married and people would see my last name and ask if I was related to "so and so" and I would have to tell them that I just didn't know.

And for the record, I just don't get demolition derby's. It just seems really dangerous to me, but maybe that's the point. IDK

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Z sees M working on a pillow for H.

Z: M, are you making a pillow for me for Christmas just like I made one for you?
Mom: SSSHHHH! That's a secret!
Z: Oh, right.
Z (in a stage whisper): M, are you making a pillow for me for Christmas just like I made one for you?

Its All In The Tone...

Me: What do you want on your English muffin?
Chris: Peanut butter, please.
Me: Do you want some sliced banana on that?
Chris: No, that is disgusting.
Me: I like banana and peanut butter.
Chris (very sweetly): Yes, sweetie, but you're weird.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Saddest Coupon Story...

(Another reason I love my hubby...)

When I was 9+ months pregnant with M I received a $5.00 off a $5.00 purchase to Sears. I asked Chris to check the expiration date and he misread it and the coupon expired. When I discovered this I proceeded to throw a royal hissy fit and sob hysterically that I was planning to buy our baby socks with that coupon and now "our baby will have no socks and his poor little feet will freeze!!!" Chris not only didn't laugh at me, he apologized for letting the coupon expire and offered to go right out and purchase a package of socks for our baby so his feet would be "toasty and warm right after you deliver him". I wish I could tell you that I graciously accepted his offer, but remember I was 9+ months pregnant. Poor Chris. How very lucky I am to have a man like you! (He bought M little socks with tools on them, too!)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Filled to Overflowing...

"Only one thing prevents Jesus from filling our cups as He passes by, and this is sin in one of its thousand forms. The Lord Jesus does not fill dirty cups. Anything that springs from self, however small it may be, is sin. Self-energy or self-complacency in service is sin. Self-pity in trials or difficulties, self-seeking in business or Christian work, self-indulgence in one's spare time, sensitiveness, touchiness, resentment and self-defense when we are hurt or injured by others, self-consciousness, reserve, worry, fear, all spring from self and all are sin and make our cups unclean. But all of them were put into that other cup, which Lord Jesus shrank from momentarily in Gethsemane, but which He drank to the dregs at Calvary-the cup of our sin. And if we will allow Him to show us what is in our cups and then give it to Him, He will cleanse them in the precious blood that still flows from sin. That does not mean mere cleansing from the guilt of sin, not even from the stain of sin-though thank God both are true-but from the sin itself, whatever it may be. And as He cleanses our cups, so He fills them to overflowing with His Holy Spirit."

-Roy Hession The Calvary Road

In The Last Five Minutes...

I have put the arms back on four (that's right, 4!) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Yet Another Reason Why I Love My Husband...

Today he told me that I am his most favorite person. So sweet...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Chris's Work Story...

Okay, not the whole story. Just the opening sentences.

"So, I got to work today and there is a Blackberry under my keyboard. The electronic, not the fruit. That would have been gross."

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Funny Church Sign...

The church down the street has one of those message boards and it usually has some corny, cliched saying on it, but I did like this weeks.

"Sign Broken. Message Inside This Week."

Quote From the Pulpit...

Today at church our pastor quoted our pastor in charge of college ministries.

"If sin were blue, we'd all be smurfs."

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Infrequent Adventures In Odyssey Quote of the Day...

This one's for you Hobbitsister!

Connie: "Eugene! You just ended a sentence with a preposition!"
Eugene: "Impossible! Prepositions are not words I end sentences with!"

- "Poor Loser"


Z got a toy I-Dog in his happy meal today and yelled, "Look! I have a singing Chihuahua just like Erma!!!!"

Did I Tell You...

The Stallion met Honormommy at a birthday party this summer. Her daughter is friends with one of M's closest friends. Small world, huh???

Sad, Sad Story...

Today I took the boys to Dairy Queen. Z always wants a chocolate dip cone. He eats the chocolate then asks us to scoop out the "cream" and then eats the cone. I hate wasting that ice-cream so today I didn't order anything for myself thinking I would just eat his ice-cream. We ordered and sat down and Z proceeded to eat the entire ice-cream cone. So today I went to Dairy Queen and had nothing. That is my sad, sad story.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Return A Blessing...

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Romans 12:14

We were talking in my bible study the other morning about this verse in light of our parenting. As a mother I have a tendency to tell my son to avoid children who "bother" him, but truthfully that is not what the bible (or Jesus) would have him do. It tells us specifically to seek out and bless those who persecute us. So lately we have been discussing how we can return a blessing to those who hurt us and how God will reward us for this behavior and bless us for obeying Him. But, dear me, this is so hard...

Auntie Hobbitsister's Favorite Bible Story...

Z's version of "Jesus Meets the Children"...

My story was about Jesus meets the children. All the little children were going to go see Jesus which was totally sweet. But then the naughty grown-ups said Jesus was busy and they had to wait a minute. But Jesus said HEY, those are my kids and I wanna see them and if you don't let me I will have to discipline you. So the naughty grown-ups had a discipline and the kids all had a cuddle with Jesus. The End.

Sorry, my internets been down...

Just out of curiosity, am I really the only person not on facebook????

Adventures is Odyssey Quote of the Day...

"Space. One of the last places to be explored. These are the journeys of the Starship Aerobicise, on a five year mission to explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life with new spin off series, to saturate the market with action figures and plastic pointy ears. It’s star trip, starring William Shattered."

-- "Hidden in My Heart"

Monday, September 29, 2008

Adventures In Odyssey Quote of the Day...

"If God could part the red sea couldn't he do the same with red tape?"

-Tom Riley in "Malachi's Message"

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Adventures In Odyssey Quote of the Day...

"As the Bible says, don't look at the spam in your brother's eye, when you have a hog in your own...or something like that."

-- Jared DeWhite in "Something Cliqued Between Us"

Friday, September 26, 2008

Adventures In Odyssey Quote of the Day...

"Before I knew it I was at a house at midnight stuffing a VCR down my pants. I know it was midnight because the VCR kept flashing twelve, twelve, twelve."

-Jerry Harry Larry Garry Perry in The Devil Made Me Do It

Thursday, September 25, 2008


We had the best vacation ever!!! Seriously, the best! We met Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Minnie and Daisy!!! And Z got to hug Handy Manny (his current favorite thing)! And M did Pirates of the Carribean 2 times! And Chris and I didn't have to push a stroller all around Disneyland! Plus, nobody threw up! Like I said, best vacation EVER!!!


Our Target has Christmas decorations out. WHAT!?!?!?!?!

Adventures In Odyssey Quote of the Day...

I figured if I did a quote of the day I might actually find time to post more often. That being said....

"How about after the movie we go covet my neighbors oxen?"

-From Hidden In My Heart

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Little Brothers, Part Two...

Z started coughing in the car today. We asked him what the problem was and he yelled, "M is making my throat hurt with his singing!"

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Little Brothers...

Today Z interrupted me when I was on the phone because he wanted a snack. This has been an issue lately, mostly because he follows me around yelling, "MOMMY! Listen to ME!!!" So I put him in time-out. I wanted him to understand why he was in time-out so he and I had the following conversation. (Note: M was playing quietly in room throughout this entire incident.)

Me: Do you interrupt mommy when she is on the phone?
Z: No.
Me: Do you yell at mommy?
Z: No.
Me: You need to sit in the time-out chair for awhile.
(Goes angrily to chair, then yells...)
Z: This is all your fault, M!


I was at the kids dentists one day and asked if raisins were good for their teeth or not. I had heard that dentists didn't want kids to have them because they caused cavities, but then another article said that something in them actually made them good for your teeth. So I asked him which it was. His response just made me laugh.

"Four out of five dentists agree you should ignore all those opinionated dentists and just brush your kids teeth."

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Birthday To You...

Yes, once again it is Kevin's birthday. So from all us true "space-cases", Happy 49Th Birthday. You have still got it going on, baby...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Z's Cootie...

"My cootie has dizzy eyes, mommy mouth and wheelie feet! And a hat."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Go Me...

I cleaned out my inbox! Seriously, all 3000 messages. Go me!

I miss you guys. I've been praying for you and your families. Be back soon (I HOPE:). Hugs!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

At Dinner Tonight...

We ordered the boys sundaes after dinner...

Waitress to Z: Cherry on the Sundae?
Z to Waitress (very confused): No, we have church on Sunday.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Thank You Card...

Last night was our last choir practice until September and I received the sweetest homemade card from one of the 3rd grade boys. It said:

Dear Mrs. Mommy,
Thank you for doing Voice of Truth.
PS You Rock!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Moving On...

We are moving to a new and yet unknown location. I will admit to stressing about it pretty much non-stop. Yesterday I was reading this month's Readers Digest and came across a little blurb about a military family being interviewed about relocating so frequently. The interviewer asked their 5 year old how she felt about going to a new home and she replied, "We carry our home with us, we just have to find a new house to put it it." What a beautiful way to look at things! It was just the perspective I needed.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Out Of Curiosity...

If you were Jamie Lynn Spears would you take advice from your big sister???

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I Miss You...

I was thinking today what powerful words those are. I mean, in essence what I am saying when I use that phrase is that you are such a significant part of life that it affects me when you aren't around. It brings about a strong emotion that reminds me of how important you are to me. I don't think I will ever use that phrase lightly again, because truly missing someone is a very potent feeling.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Concerning SexyBack...

Is sexy a verb or an adjective in this song? How exactly does one get one's "sexy on"? Just curious...

I'm Sorry...

Yesterday a little boy at Z's dance class was having a hard time sharing. So he slapped Z, who ignored him, then walked around and smacked the other boy in the group. The mom separated him and told him he could rejoin the group when he apologized. So far so good, right? So the boy stops throwing a fit and mumbles something under his breath at our boys and his mom says, "He says he didn't mean to" and class goes on. This is bothering me for two reasons. First, he TOTALLY meant to! He even went out of his way to hit the other child. Second, what kind of an apology is "I didn't mean to". There is no remorse in that statement at all. Maybe I'm over-reacting. I didn't say anything to the mother, but I told my husband that I feel sorry for whoever that kid ends up married to because he is going to be the worst "I'm Sorry" say-er ever!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Nothing Makes You Feel Older Than...

discovering that Nick at Nite is running shows you loved when you were in Junior High.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Forest Gump...

I can handle Gary Sinise with no legs, but Gary Sinise with grungy hair and filthy beard is just wrong. Very, very wrong.


Yesterday "The Stallion" and I went on a three-hour horseback tour of the mountains. We had a great time! My horse (poky-butt) had to be coaxed a bit to keep up with the group, but he was very sweet. And Chris's horse (Sir Snacks-a-lot) was very gentle which was good since Chris had never ridden before. Really his only problem was that he wanted to eat everything he saw. Including my horse's tail, which was my horse's own fault since he was dawdling. The view was spectacular and, although we are a bit sore, we would definitely go again.

*Horses names were changed for my amusement.
**Chris is "a bit" sore, I, however, am a lot sore.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

When I Grow Up...

I'm going to be a sky-diving instructor for no other reason than to push so called "macho men" out of planes.

*I will, of course, give them parachutes first. Unless they talk to my chest. I hate that. Yes, I mean you, guy at Target. The girls don't talk to strangers!!! Want to take a sky-diving lesson?

Air Conditioning...

All day long whenever the air conditioner would kick on H would yell, "Its blowing me away! Its blowing me away!" Plus he kept insisting the birds outside were bumblebees and were scaring him. I love that kid so much!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What Exactly Do You Say To That...

I was trying to convince Z that we had to throw a broken toy away because it was beyond repair. Z's response:

Z: I can fix it with my tools.
Me: No you can't, honey. You don't have the right kind of tool.
Z: I can fix it with daddy's tools.
Me: I'm sorry, but daddy doesn't have the right kind of tool either.
Z: I can fix it with my imaginary tool. Its the right kind.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

My Precious...

Chris bought me a beautiful ring for my birthday, but says he is starting to get concerned about the fact that I keep telling people it was my birthday present. So now I'm just calling it "the precious".

Happy Birthday Stallion!

I love you and hope you have a wonderful, relaxing day!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mad Libs...

Today is Mad Libs 50th birthday. So (adjective) birthday to you, Mad Libs. We hope you have an (adjective) (noun).

Our Vacation Part 4...

We arrived home safely around 10:30 at night and all crashed until the next morning. Looking back the next day we decided that our vacation definitely had all the elements of a perfect family vacation; amusement parks, photo ops and vomit. Lots of vomit.

Our Vacation Part 3...

We left California to head home to sunny Arizona. We drove for about 20 minutes. Then Z projectile vomited all over the car.

Our Vacation Part 2...

M felt fine in the morning so we headed off for a fun-filled day at Legoland. We stayed from open to close and had a great time. We enjoyed a complimentary dinner at our hotel and were all in bed by 9:00. We spent the next day at the San Diego Zoo where we saw Panda Bears, Polar Bears, Sun Bears, Spectacled Bears, Black Bears and Koalas Bears. (Also, we saw birds and snakes and other stuff...).

Our Vacation Part 1...

We had a relatively uneventful drive to California. We checked into our lovely hotel and unpacked. We had the kids settled down and to bed by 9:00 and Chris and I were asleep by 10:00. However, we were woken up at 11:30 by M who was projectile vomiting all over our lovely hotel room.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Blogger Hijack Alert!!

I *May* have hijacked Busy's Blog to wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Love you Busy!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Chicken Noodle Soup...

I made chicken noodle soup for dinner last night. Granted, it didn't have a lot of chicken in it, but I figured we needed to start somewhere. The boys LOVED it! And M has decided that it is okay if we change as long as we "go slow" which we promised to do. I wish change wasn't so hard for him, but I'm glad we shoved him out of his comfort zone a little. BTW--No one got sick, either:)

My Not-Happy Chocolate Story...

For Chelleybutton...

When my husband and I were first married he put two Lindor cinnamon truffles in my stocking for Christmas. They were the most delicious chocolates I have ever eaten. I savored every bite and made each one last several days. Then I went back to buy some more and they said the were all out. Then they said they were seasonal and wouldn't be back until next Christmas. So I waited until next Christmas, but then they said they were discontinued! So I began to search for other brands of Cinnamon Truffles. My mom finally found some from Harry and David. They were almost (not quite) as good, but they were also seasonal. So I decided to make my 5 truffles last until next Christmas, but then the next Christmas they said they had been discontinued, too. So that is my not-happy chocolate story:(

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Stupidest Thing I've Said This Week...

"Hurry up or I'm going to beat you with the dishes."

(I was just trying to tell M that I was going to be finished with the dishes before he finished with his worksheet, but it didn't come out that way...)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sound Off...

For the last three years we have been vegetarians, eating only a small amount of seafood on occasion. We made the switch because of health reasons which have been resolved now. We don't mind being vegetarians, but we also don't really think there is anything wrong with eating meat. It was just a lifestyle we chose. But lately we have noticed our oldest (M) has become very obsessed with this. This might possibly be because I have had to tell people (teachers, other parents, etc.) that we are vegetarians in order to make certain he didn't consume meat products and upset his stomach (because he hadn't eaten it in so long). M has a tendency to obsess about things anyway and we are concerned that us being vegetarians is just giving him one more thing to worry about. Also, I have lately become concerned about Z since he is starting to be a very picky eater and unwilling to try new things. These reasons combined with my desire to make sure our boys do not have a limited view of the world have caused numerous discussions concerning our food choices. So we bought a little bit of canned chicken, deciding that if we didn't use it we would donate to the food shelf. Tonight I put a bit on my salad and offered some to M. He ate it (I told him what it was), but then started crying that he would "miss being a vegetarian". We talked to him about it (was it because it made our family different, was it because he really liked being a vegetarian, etc.), but he just didn't know why he was so upset by this change. Chris and I think it is just because he fights change, but now I'm wondering if we are doing the right thing. Meat vs. non-meat aside, does our switching back to eating small amounts of meat make sense? I would really love your opinion on this.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Long Winded Post About Thursday...

I woke up Thursday morning and lay in bed for awhile mentally going over my to-do list. I was so excited when I realized I really didn't have that much that needed to be done. Plus M had drama and dance in the morning, so it would just be me and Z for 3 hours and he would be thrilled to just watch Thomas videos. So I planned my to-do list accordingly. I would catch up on my friends blogs, clean out my email in-box and download some new music with the i-tunes gift card I received for Easter. Here is how my day went...

7:15 Got up and went to give the boys cereal for breakfast. Remembered we were out of milk. Gave them oatmeal.

7:45 Took a shower, got dressed, dressed Z and made M change into shorts and t-shirt since it was 90 degrees outside and he was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants. Explained to M that spring in Arizona is not like spring in other places and he needed to wear summer clothes anyway.

8:45 Took M to dance. Kissed Z's knee after he fell down trying to keep up with the "big boys". Stopped to talk to two of the moms at class about curriculum, pre-school, gym classes, etc.

9:30 Ran by grocery store to grab milk.

10:30 Left grocery store with $70.00 worth of food I suddenly remembered we "needed".

10:45 Unloaded car. Attempted to convince Z to come in the house and leave the neighbors Chihuahua alone while holding 80 pounds of groceries in both arms.

10:47 Put down groceries and drug Z kicking and screaming into house. Put him in time-out.

10:49 Ran back outside for groceries. Put groceries away. Washed and bagged grapes so they would be convenient for kids and husband to grab.

10:55 Remembered Z was in time-out. Let Z out of time-out. Hugged Z. Felt guilty so asked Z if he wanted to make cupcakes.

10:57 Made cupcakes with Z. Remembered hand-mixer broke. Attempted to stir up batter with "help". Finally suggested Z watch Thomas video.

11:15 Tried to figure why I only got 19 cupcakes out of the mix, instead of 24. Decided it didn't matter because the kids really didn't need all that sugar anyway. Realized how stupid that line of thinking was and swore to never tell anyone. Got cupcakes into oven. Cleaned cupcake batter of counter, stove, me and Z.

11:20 Washed breakfast dishes. Cleaned oatmeal off of dining room table, bench and floor. Swore to self we will never run out of milk again.

11:30 Started load of laundry. Briefly wondered if I should ask children about the 7 washcloths I found in bathtub, but decided to let it go.

11:32 Took cupcakes out of oven. Tried to explain to a 3 year-old why you cannot frost warm cupcakes.

11:34 Put Z back in time-out for throwing cupcake. Decide cupcake really didn't get that dirty and put it back on cooling rack.

11:37 Let Z out of time-out and told him to go play for a minute.

11:38 Z finishes playing and wants to frost cupcakes. Tell him no. Try again to explain why. Put Z back in time-out.

11:40 Sit down at computer and realize we have to go pick up M.

11:43 Get Z out of time-out and into shoes. Remember to grab movie to return and leave to pick up M.

11:55 Get to class too late to find on-street parking. Have to park in lot and and walk a block. M is last child picked up. Apologize to teacher. Hike back across parking lot and head home.

12:05 Turn into parking lot to return movie while being followed by police officer. Freak out when he approaches me after I get out of my car, but relax when I realize I know him and he is just returning his movie. Tells me the baby ducks will be here soon and to walk carefully. We laugh. (Long story, ask me later.)

12:15 Arrive home. Prepare lunch (mac and cheese and grapes for boys, soup for me). Swap laundry.

12:50 Clean up lunch dishes. Take out trash.

1:00 Home school M. Frost cupcakes with boys. Email list of judges to science fair co-coordinator.

3:00 Help finish habitat M is taking to home-school program tomorrow. Fell slightly disgusted that my home-schooler had "homework" over spring break. Make dinner so it will be ready when we get home tonight.

3:45 Husband arrives home. Tells me about breaking his glasses and that he left work early to have them repaired.

3:55 Go to gym with family. Leave children in child-watch and work out with husband. Notice how sexy he looks doing chest presses.

4:50 Head home for dinner.

5:00 Serve dinner to family. Prepare own dinner and play "three good things".

5:45 Kiss kids good-night and leave for children's choir practice.

8:45 Get home from choir and tell husband about running into policeman at the blockbuster. Husband laughs with me at comment. (Again, ask me later.)

8:50 I...come to think of it, what I did here is really none of your business;D

9:45 Take bath, brush teeth, comb hair, put on pajamas, etc.

10:00 Get in bed and suddenly realize I didn't get ANYTHING done!!!! Sigh...

Friday, March 21, 2008

My Easter Joke...

How do you tell the male chocolate bunnies from the female chocolate bunnies?

(Don't worry...its G-Rated.)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I live in the middle of the city. We do not have alligators here. But I did appreciate your concern:).

Strangest Thing Said At My House Today...

"You can't play with Fred Fork unless you are actually eating."

Friday, February 15, 2008

How Z Is Feeling Today...

Z: I like helping at church.
Mom: I'm glad.
Z: I'm glad, too.
(Five minutes later...)
Z: Glad is happy, right?
Mom: Yes.
Z: So I'm happy, right?
Mom: Yes.
Z: Good. I like happy. I like glad. I don't like sad. Also, I don't like peanut butter.

With Love From...

Chris signed my Valentines Day card "The Stallion". Totally cracked me up...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chris's Movie Review...

"Its a pretty funny movie. I mean, I know that they kill Chris Rock, but come on. Who hasn't wanted to kill Chris Rock at one time or another?"

Friday, February 8, 2008

What A Nice Surprise...

Our church was clearing out their VHS tapes because we have gone to all DVD. When I was in to volunteer today they offered me any of them that I wanted. I ended up taking home 15 animated history classics which will be great for homeschooling, plus a few Veggie Tales and a couple of Adventures In Odyssey. All in all it was a great morning:D

Monday, January 28, 2008

Something Annoying...

I hate it when you forget to shake the ketchup bottle and ketchup juice gets all over your sandwich.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Date Night...

The following conversation took place shortly after informing M and Z that they had a baby-sitter coming on Wednesday.

M: So what are you two going to do?
Chris: I don't know. Go to dinner, I guess.
M: You could go bowling.
Z: You could go hit a ball with a bat.
M: You could go swimming.
Z: You could go on a train ride.
M: You could go to the park.
Z: You could go on the slides.
Chris: Or we could just go to the Red Lobster.
Busy: Do you realize that our children are better at planning dates than we are? That is just sad!

Jury Duty Scam...

There is an email going around about a Jury Duty scam. The FBI has actually posted warnings about this scam on their website. A mom at M's school was saying that she had actually received one of these calls, so I am giving everyone a "head's up", so to speak. This is how the scam works. Someone telephones you and says that you are being prosecuted for skipping jury duty. You tell them that you didn't receive a summons for jury duty and had no idea that you were supposed to serve. They tell you that there is a warrant out for your arrest. They then offer to verify that you are the correct person by asking for your full name, social security number, etc. Then, BAM, they steal your identity. The mom at M's school said that they were VERY threatening and sounded so serious that she would have given them that information is her husband hadn't been home. She was so upset that she handed him the phone and when he got on the line they hung up. He searched the Internet and discovered that this has been going on for a while now. Luckily she wasn't the next victim!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monday, January 21, 2008

Z's Nativity...

We decided not to pack away the children's nativity set we have because Z loves to play with it so much. He cradles the baby Jesus figure and then says, "First we wiggle the baby Jesus, then we toss him in the manger!" Then he tosses him in the manger, but gently:) Then everyone comes to visit him and kiss him and play with him, including the animals. It is so sweet:)

Erma and Scout...

When we moved Erma and Scout were just little girls, but they no longer really fit that category. Erma has grown up SO MUCH! She is just beautiful and so mature. I never thought the day would come when I would miss playing Barbie mall. (I loved that game!) And Scout has really "come into her own" if you know what I mean. She is her own little person and is just as lovely as her sister. They were both darling with the boys, so loving and patient, and the boys are still talking about how much fun they had with them. We love you both so much. Just please do me a favor and stop growing up so quickly!

BTW Erma and Scout taught the boys a new dance that I videotaped them doing together. If you want to see it just click the link!

Erma, Scout and M doing the Chihuahua.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Bad News...

I've been here a few days and I have to go home now:(

The Good News...

I'm at hobbitsister's!!!!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

From M's Adventures In Odessey CD...

Boy: Why do I have to eat this stuff? I never see you guys eat it.

Dad: That's because we're grown-ups. We've already eaten our lifetime allotment of oatmeal.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

What Was I Thinking...

I just agreed to be the co-coordinator of my homeschooling co-ops science fair. Seriously, what was I thinking!?!?!?!?

(Honestly, though, I love my co-op and the other woman who is coordinating has done it for the past several years, so hopefully it will all go smoothly:). Keep your fingers crossed and your prayers uplifted!)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Chris Made Me Laugh The Other Night...

He said to me, "That's just how I roll, baby!" (If you have met my husband, you will laugh, too!)

I Think I Will Run Away Today...

if I can find someone to watch my kids. Hint, hint, Stallion...

If Sorbet...

is pronounced with an 'a' sound in the middle, why isn't Sherbet pronounced 'sherb-ay'? And why do people insist on putting an 'r' in the middle? Its sherbet, not sherbeRt. Just saying...

Friday, January 4, 2008

Let This Be A Warning To You...

Tonight while we were out we saw a women who wasn't wearing a bra, but obviously needed one. We had to laugh when she jogged to get across the street then suddenly stopped to clutch her chest and mouth the word, "OW!!!". I just hope she didn't notice us cracking up at her...

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Stallion...

just attacked me with our new vacuum cleaner. But I'm not complaining since he's vacuuming.

And The Noisest Toy Of The Year Award Goes To...

Auntie Hobbitsister!!!

Would You Rather...

I tried to play Would You Rather with M today, but it didn't go so well.

Me: Would you rather bite your tongue or stub your toe?
M: No.
Me: You have to pick one.
M: Why?
Me: That's how you play the game. You pick one and then we have a lively discussion about why you chose that one.
M: I didn't choose one.
Me: So, choose one and we'll talk about it.
M: Okay. I'd rather not play this game 'cause its dumb.

Things We DIDN'T Do in San Diego...

-Call each other "Mom" and "Dad".
-Get up in the middle of the night to search for pacifiers.
-Use the sentence, "Hey! This is the STREET!" every time we crossed the road.
-Hide in the bathroom just to get some privacy. (Okay, Chris didn't do that...:)
-Call home every night to tell the kids we missed them. (We did miss them, we just didn't call...)
-Utter the phrase, "Will you two please knock it off!?!?!" (Okay, once, but that couple was just annoying...)

Things We Did In San Diego...

-Woke up without an alarm.
-Took naps without being woken up by children.
-Pet a shark, dolphin and star fish.
-Had dinner with Shamu.
-Saw the set of Desperate Housewives. (Yeah, we didn't care either...)
-Went into stores filled with breakable things.
-Took a carriage ride around the Harbor. (A little touristy, but still romantic...)
-Spent a fortune on gifts for our children.
-Flew a kite. (We bought it for the kids, but we tried it out first:).
-Ate at the Denny's by our hotel 3 times.
-Had COMPLETE CONVERSATIONS without being interrupted. (That's my favorite!!!)