Sunday, May 20, 2007


Tonight at M's kindergarten graduation one of the Sunday school teachers told a cute story.

A teacher was teaching her class evolution. "Tommy," she said, "what do you see out the window?" Tommy looked and answered, "A tree." "And what do you see under the tree," she prompted. "The grass," he answered. "Now go outside and look up and tell us what you saw." So Tommy went out, looked up and returned to the classroom. "I saw the sky," he said. "Did you see God?" she asked. "No," said Tommy. "That is because God doesn't exist," she concluded.

A little girl stood up then and asked the teacher if she could ask Tommy some questions. "Tommy," she asked, "Can you still see the tree?" He nodded and then she asked, "Tommy, can you still see the grass and the sky?" "Yes," he told her. "Tommy," she asked, "Can you see our teacher?" "Yes." "Well, can you see our teachers brain?" "No," he said. She summed this up quite simply. "Then according to what we have been taught here today we can only conclude that our teacher has no brain."

(And for the record I did cry at M's graduation, but I laughed harder when our pastor asked the all the graduates what they were planning to do with the rest of their lives:)

Friday, May 11, 2007

It's Hot...

It's 104 degrees today and it is only the second week in May! (I'm really only posting this so those of you who have dealt with terrible weather all winter while I wore shorts can laugh at me...)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Why I Cleaned The Bathroom This Morning...

Me: What is that stench coming from the boys bathroom?
Husband: Bad aim.

M's Breakfast Prayer...

"Dear Jesus. Thank you that today is my birthday and I am six. Thank you for making it my birthday that I have been waiting for all year. Thank you that I am six today. Bless this food to my body and thank you again that today is my birthday and that today I am six. Amen."

(In case you didn't guess, M turned six today:)

Friday, May 4, 2007

Concerning Hooters...

We pass a Hooters restaurant on the way to M's school. Today he read the sign and asked what it was. I told him it was a restaurant and he asked we didn't ever go there. I told him it wasn't really appropriate because of what the waitresses wear and he asked (very seriously, I might add), "Why? Do they wear owl costumes?" Yes, M, they wear owl costumes and all those men just go there for the hot wings...

The Smores Maker...

Today we were making smores on our smores maker and Z turns to M and says (LOUDLY), "There's the fire, M, now use it!"

New and Improved Trix...

M got a box of "new shape" Trix. He said they taste "way better" than old shape Trix and I told him Auntie Hobbitsister agreed with him. He said, "Auntie eats Trix? Doesn't she know that Trix is for kids?" (He's so very witty!)