Saturday, June 30, 2007


I just caught my husband frosting the tiny cookies in one of those hundred calorie packs. I'm pretty sure this ups the calories, but maybe not. Then he very thoughtfully offered to frost the saltines I was eating. (I declined.) This is why it is better to just eat the leftover frosting so the temptation to put it on everything just isn't there.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mental Note...

Never again suggest to two-year-old that he go color a picture while he is eating a crayon shaped Popsicle.


We took the children to Hershey Theme Park and Chocolate World a couple of weeks ago. They had a wonderful time...especially Z who still asks daily to go to the "chocolate factory". The other day I bought the kids those Hershey Snacksters and Z was so excited! He calls them "chocolate factory snack". Oh, and forget Disneyland being the happiest place on earth. When you get off the rides at Hershey they hand you CHOCOLATE! How could anything be better than that?!?!?!

PS To determine which rides you can go on they measure the kids before they go into the park. Z was a Hershey Miniature and M was a Peanut Butter Cup. The biggest kids are Jolly Ranchers. Cute, isn't it???

A Book of Coupons...

M and I just read a book about a teacher that gives his students coupons on the first day of school so that they can be late to class or skip a homework assignment, that kind of thing. Yesterday we spent the morning making coupons. I made a book for dad and M made a book for himself. He has already used the "play checkers" coupon and the "go swimming" coupon. He is saving the "stay in your pajamas all day" coupon for a the exact right moment. Chris hasn't used any of his, but if he is smart he will save the "COUPON FOR ONE BIG SMILE" for the next time we argue:) M even made me a special coupon good for "crying for no reason". I'm saving it for the perfect moment. Anyway, I loved the idea so much that I am making him a book for school. Also, I gave him back the "play checkers" coupon this morning...he won:)

One More Reason My Family Rocks...

We can all use chop-sticks. Even the 2 year old.

Three Good Things...

Every night at dinner my family plays "three good things". We each take a turn and share three good things that happened to us that day. Anyway, last night both my sons and my husband listed "mom made a great dinner" as one of their good things. Its so nice to be appreciated.

PS One of my good things was that I got to talk to was good to catch up a bit:)

Sorry, I've been crazy busy...

but anyway, I'm back now. I will try to do better:)