Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Mom, why did God even make armpits? All they do is make you SMELL!!!"

--M during a deodorant discussion.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Auntie's Favorite Joke...Sort Of...

"Want to hear a knock-knock joke? Two strings walk into a store and one asks that guy 'do you have any fruit?' and the guy says 'no'. Then the other string says 'hey, you got any fruit' and the guy says 'weren't you the string that just asked me if I had fruit'. But it wasn't that string, was it?"

(Insert hysterical 5-year-old laughter here.)

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Old Fashioned Way...

The boys were watching Robots today...

M: Aren't you glad that you and dad didn't have to build us?
Me: Yep. I'm thankful that God built you because he did such a great job.
M: Ya, its probably good that you did it the old fashioned way. Whatever that is...

(In case you were wondering, I'm glad we did it that way, too! ;-)