Monday, December 24, 2007

M's Christmas Joke...

What did Adam say on the night before Christmas?

It's Christmas, Eve!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Tonight In The Tub...

I noticed I had a really bad blister on one of my toes, but it turned out to just be a blob of shaving cream. So, don't worry. I'm just fine.

Children's Choir...

Well, we wrapped it up last weekend. The concert was amazing and our choir received more applause than anyone else did (go us!). It was such a worthwhile and wonderful experience that I have already agreed to be the assistant director when rehearsals start up again this January. Hopefully it won't be as crazy without a Christmas Concert to rehearse for. Anyway, I'm so glad I got involved because it was one of the best things I did this year!

(And I got gifts from the kids, including a gift card to Cold Stone which Sparkle and I already used. We went right after the last concert:)

(Also, M totally rocked when he got up to sing. He knew all the motions and was totally adorable!!!)

What M Just Said...

"Now I know what the inside of a horse looks like."

Monday, December 17, 2007

Happy Birthday Z!

Today is Z's birthday. My "baby" is officially 3. My, it goes fast...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

My In-Box...

I just cleaned out my in-box of 852 unread messages. I really need more time or less spam.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Did You Know...

Irving Berlin wrote "White Christmas" while sitting beside the Casablanca Pool at the Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix, AZ. Of course, it was the middle of summer which could explain why he sung so fondly of snow...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Z Keeps Running Around Singing...

We wish me a Merry Birthday. We wish me a Merry Birthday. We wish me a Merry Birthday. And a Happy Three Year!

Bobble Head Santa Candle Gift...

Thank you for thinking of us, but that thing is kinda creepy...

(Plus it don't really smell that great either.)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Hey, Hobbitsister...

Those gifts you carefully removed the batteries from so that they wouldn't go off in the mail??? They have an on/off switch:)

*I'll wrap them as soon as I can get Chris to stop playing with them:P

Just So You Know...

I turned the heat on today, but don't worry. I'm sure I'll turn it back off tomorrow:)

Hey Stallion...

What's a girl gotta do to get her man to bake her a few Christmas cookies??? :)

For The Record...

Okay, I typed a long post here, but have deleted it because it sounded bitter and I don't want to be bitter, especially not this time of year. So, for the record, I am choosing to just let it go.

I Commented...

on your blogs, but I just randomly selected posts to comment on. I'm trying:)

Monday, December 3, 2007

Monday Philosophy...

My new Monday Philosophy is "What can go wrong will go wrong and all at the same time!" God bless the man who invented Advil.

M Just Informed Us...

that he wants a sled for Christmas. Now really, what is he gonna do with that?

Things The Kids Have Said Today...

M: "H! Give me back my pants!"
Z: "Here, H. You can have my pants."

M: "H is sitting on my feet and licking my toes."
Z: "I want to lick M's toes!"

Today Z...

locked himself into the bathroom. I managed to get him out, but then discovered that he had locked and closed every door in the house. Chris had to drive home to jimmy the locks so I could get into the bedrooms. Sigh...

Nothing Puts You In The Holiday Mood Like... (part two)

Attempting to untangle a dusty, artificial tree that has spent the last year stuffed into a giant plastic bag.

Nothing Puts You In The Holiday Mood Like... (part one)

Cutting out millions of green tissue paper squares for hundreds of children to glue onto paper plates during Sunday school.

If You Give A Toddler A Pudding Cup...

You'd best be prepared to give him a bath and a new outfit as well.

(Its not your fault, H. Aunt Busy should have remembered your issues with silverware:)

Hey, Hobbitsister...

Did you put out your Christmas dishes yet? Mine went out last week:)