Thursday, May 1, 2008

Forest Gump...

I can handle Gary Sinise with no legs, but Gary Sinise with grungy hair and filthy beard is just wrong. Very, very wrong.


hobbitsister said...

did you watch csi:ny last night? i'll try hard not to give anything away, but you know what that guy did to that other guy at the end? i would have done it to the other other guy, too.

BusyMommy said...

I am a week behind because I have to tape them now. (We have a bible study on Wed.) But what was up with M.T. kissing another woman while he was still married?!?!? Geez...

hobbitsister said...

i really don't think his character would have done that.

BusyMommy said...

Yes, I would have done that, too. Only I would have aimed a little lower.