Friday, May 16, 2008

Thank You Card...

Last night was our last choir practice until September and I received the sweetest homemade card from one of the 3rd grade boys. It said:

Dear Mrs. Mommy,
Thank you for doing Voice of Truth.
PS You Rock!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Moving On...

We are moving to a new and yet unknown location. I will admit to stressing about it pretty much non-stop. Yesterday I was reading this month's Readers Digest and came across a little blurb about a military family being interviewed about relocating so frequently. The interviewer asked their 5 year old how she felt about going to a new home and she replied, "We carry our home with us, we just have to find a new house to put it it." What a beautiful way to look at things! It was just the perspective I needed.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Out Of Curiosity...

If you were Jamie Lynn Spears would you take advice from your big sister???

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I Miss You...

I was thinking today what powerful words those are. I mean, in essence what I am saying when I use that phrase is that you are such a significant part of life that it affects me when you aren't around. It brings about a strong emotion that reminds me of how important you are to me. I don't think I will ever use that phrase lightly again, because truly missing someone is a very potent feeling.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Concerning SexyBack...

Is sexy a verb or an adjective in this song? How exactly does one get one's "sexy on"? Just curious...

I'm Sorry...

Yesterday a little boy at Z's dance class was having a hard time sharing. So he slapped Z, who ignored him, then walked around and smacked the other boy in the group. The mom separated him and told him he could rejoin the group when he apologized. So far so good, right? So the boy stops throwing a fit and mumbles something under his breath at our boys and his mom says, "He says he didn't mean to" and class goes on. This is bothering me for two reasons. First, he TOTALLY meant to! He even went out of his way to hit the other child. Second, what kind of an apology is "I didn't mean to". There is no remorse in that statement at all. Maybe I'm over-reacting. I didn't say anything to the mother, but I told my husband that I feel sorry for whoever that kid ends up married to because he is going to be the worst "I'm Sorry" say-er ever!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Nothing Makes You Feel Older Than...

discovering that Nick at Nite is running shows you loved when you were in Junior High.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Forest Gump...

I can handle Gary Sinise with no legs, but Gary Sinise with grungy hair and filthy beard is just wrong. Very, very wrong.


Yesterday "The Stallion" and I went on a three-hour horseback tour of the mountains. We had a great time! My horse (poky-butt) had to be coaxed a bit to keep up with the group, but he was very sweet. And Chris's horse (Sir Snacks-a-lot) was very gentle which was good since Chris had never ridden before. Really his only problem was that he wanted to eat everything he saw. Including my horse's tail, which was my horse's own fault since he was dawdling. The view was spectacular and, although we are a bit sore, we would definitely go again.

*Horses names were changed for my amusement.
**Chris is "a bit" sore, I, however, am a lot sore.