Thursday, March 27, 2008

Long Winded Post About Thursday...

I woke up Thursday morning and lay in bed for awhile mentally going over my to-do list. I was so excited when I realized I really didn't have that much that needed to be done. Plus M had drama and dance in the morning, so it would just be me and Z for 3 hours and he would be thrilled to just watch Thomas videos. So I planned my to-do list accordingly. I would catch up on my friends blogs, clean out my email in-box and download some new music with the i-tunes gift card I received for Easter. Here is how my day went...

7:15 Got up and went to give the boys cereal for breakfast. Remembered we were out of milk. Gave them oatmeal.

7:45 Took a shower, got dressed, dressed Z and made M change into shorts and t-shirt since it was 90 degrees outside and he was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants. Explained to M that spring in Arizona is not like spring in other places and he needed to wear summer clothes anyway.

8:45 Took M to dance. Kissed Z's knee after he fell down trying to keep up with the "big boys". Stopped to talk to two of the moms at class about curriculum, pre-school, gym classes, etc.

9:30 Ran by grocery store to grab milk.

10:30 Left grocery store with $70.00 worth of food I suddenly remembered we "needed".

10:45 Unloaded car. Attempted to convince Z to come in the house and leave the neighbors Chihuahua alone while holding 80 pounds of groceries in both arms.

10:47 Put down groceries and drug Z kicking and screaming into house. Put him in time-out.

10:49 Ran back outside for groceries. Put groceries away. Washed and bagged grapes so they would be convenient for kids and husband to grab.

10:55 Remembered Z was in time-out. Let Z out of time-out. Hugged Z. Felt guilty so asked Z if he wanted to make cupcakes.

10:57 Made cupcakes with Z. Remembered hand-mixer broke. Attempted to stir up batter with "help". Finally suggested Z watch Thomas video.

11:15 Tried to figure why I only got 19 cupcakes out of the mix, instead of 24. Decided it didn't matter because the kids really didn't need all that sugar anyway. Realized how stupid that line of thinking was and swore to never tell anyone. Got cupcakes into oven. Cleaned cupcake batter of counter, stove, me and Z.

11:20 Washed breakfast dishes. Cleaned oatmeal off of dining room table, bench and floor. Swore to self we will never run out of milk again.

11:30 Started load of laundry. Briefly wondered if I should ask children about the 7 washcloths I found in bathtub, but decided to let it go.

11:32 Took cupcakes out of oven. Tried to explain to a 3 year-old why you cannot frost warm cupcakes.

11:34 Put Z back in time-out for throwing cupcake. Decide cupcake really didn't get that dirty and put it back on cooling rack.

11:37 Let Z out of time-out and told him to go play for a minute.

11:38 Z finishes playing and wants to frost cupcakes. Tell him no. Try again to explain why. Put Z back in time-out.

11:40 Sit down at computer and realize we have to go pick up M.

11:43 Get Z out of time-out and into shoes. Remember to grab movie to return and leave to pick up M.

11:55 Get to class too late to find on-street parking. Have to park in lot and and walk a block. M is last child picked up. Apologize to teacher. Hike back across parking lot and head home.

12:05 Turn into parking lot to return movie while being followed by police officer. Freak out when he approaches me after I get out of my car, but relax when I realize I know him and he is just returning his movie. Tells me the baby ducks will be here soon and to walk carefully. We laugh. (Long story, ask me later.)

12:15 Arrive home. Prepare lunch (mac and cheese and grapes for boys, soup for me). Swap laundry.

12:50 Clean up lunch dishes. Take out trash.

1:00 Home school M. Frost cupcakes with boys. Email list of judges to science fair co-coordinator.

3:00 Help finish habitat M is taking to home-school program tomorrow. Fell slightly disgusted that my home-schooler had "homework" over spring break. Make dinner so it will be ready when we get home tonight.

3:45 Husband arrives home. Tells me about breaking his glasses and that he left work early to have them repaired.

3:55 Go to gym with family. Leave children in child-watch and work out with husband. Notice how sexy he looks doing chest presses.

4:50 Head home for dinner.

5:00 Serve dinner to family. Prepare own dinner and play "three good things".

5:45 Kiss kids good-night and leave for children's choir practice.

8:45 Get home from choir and tell husband about running into policeman at the blockbuster. Husband laughs with me at comment. (Again, ask me later.)

8:50 I...come to think of it, what I did here is really none of your business;D

9:45 Take bath, brush teeth, comb hair, put on pajamas, etc.

10:00 Get in bed and suddenly realize I didn't get ANYTHING done!!!! Sigh...


hobbitsister said...

didn't get anything done? what did you do all day? oh, that's right - you're a sahm. you don't work.

actually, it sounds like a very productive day to me.

Chris G said...

lol- true- and I mis-read sahm as sham at first- I was almost shocked there hobbit sister!

chelleybutton said...

things never go how you plan, do they?

hobbitsister said...

chris, i admit i was being sarcastic, but i'd never call her a sham! :)
i think busy should save this post and show it to all those moms who "actually" work and think all she does is watch soaps all day.

melilotnfosco said...

i think that counts as getting things done :)