Friday, April 29, 2011

I Met A Fellow Chemo Patient today...

She was about two-years-old and sad because her hair had just fallen out. I showed her my head and told her we were both still beautiful. Her mom said people have been so insensitive, asking questions about it and acting like the daughter couldn't understand them. I wanted so much to tell her how I felt, but what I was feeling, besides sadness, was anger and frustration that each year breast cancer raises more money and awareness than all childhood cancers combined. All cancer sucks, all cancer needs a cure, but better me than my (or anybody's) child.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Not Hobbitsister's Scout...our Scout. Well, technically he isn't ours...yet. Our friends are getting rid of their dog, but not for the usual reasons. It just doesn't get along well with their other dog. So Scout needs a new home. He is kennel trained, potty trained, obeys basic commands and even does tricks. And he LOVES little boys. In fact his current owner warned us that he will probably want to sleep in Z's bed, under the covers, cuddled up to him. Which is really what Z needs right now. Z has been struggling lately with the fact that his mommy has cancer. He isn't sleeping well and uses any and every excuse to get right back up. Plus, Z loves dogs. He has been begging for a dog ever since he could talk. But he has asthma and we have seen some dogs trigger it. Scout is a short haired chihuahua, so we are praying that Z won't show any signs of allergies and Scout will become a permanent addition to our household. HOWEVER, just in case we are only dog-sitting for awhile. The boys are not aware that Scout may be here to stay, just that he is here to visit. We'll just have to wait and see, but keep Z in your prayers. It does seem like this would only be a positive thing for him.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Usually I Stay Away From Politics...

But can I just say that pushing through expensive bills with no real way of how to finance them and then saying you are going to reduce our deficit is just plain stupid? For the record I would say that to anyone who was president regardless of party or race. I personally could not make a budget, add in a weekly massage that I have no way to pay for and then expect to come out ahead each month. Or can I??? I think I'll look into that one... And just for fun...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Always Take Your Vitamins...

Kindergarten Girl: What happened to your hair?

Me: I got sick so the doctors gave me some medicine to make me better. It worked, but my hair fell out, but don't worry because it will grow back.

KG (Hands to her mouth in absolute panic): Was it Flinstones Vitamins????

Friday, April 8, 2011

Definition Of A Tired Toddler...

  • AJ: Mommy? Go night-night?

  • Me: Are you ready to go night-night?

  • AJ: YES!
She immediately runs around and gathers her doll, blanket, sippy cup and pacifier. She runs and waits at the bottom of the stairs for me to open the gate, crawls up the stairs, runs to her room and stands by her crib until I lift her in. I put her in bed, she lays right down and as I'm shutting the door I hear her tiny, little voice say, "thank you!" You're welcome. Sleep sweet, baby girl.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool...

35 years ago on April Fools Day my future mother-in-law announced to her family that she was expecting a baby. Of course, no one believed her. In fact, it probably would have taken many more weeks to convince them if that baby hadn't decided to make his appearance very, VERY early. He came on April 19th and let me tell you, he ain't no joke. He is, in fact, the best thing that ever happened to me. He is, without a doubt, the world's greatest husband. Would you like further proof?

  • Last night...

  • Me: Where are the rest of those suckers?

  • Chris: In the sucker basket.

  • Me: We have a sucker basket?

  • Chris: Yes.

  • Me: Where?

  • Chris: Next to the chocolate basket.

  • Me: We have a chocolate basket?!?!

  • Chris: Yes.

  • Me: Since when????

  • Chris: Since I decided that two of your favorite treats should have special places on the shelf that way I can make sure we don't run out.

  • Me: Have a I told you I love you lately?

  • Chris: Yes.

  • Me: When?

  • Chris: Right before you went looking for the sucker basket.

  • Me: Okay then.