Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How Special Am I...

I got two evites to two different events today. How loved am I!?!?!? :D

He Doesn't Even Need Braces Yet...

We are looking at a $592.00 bill from the orthodontist for pre-braces work. And that is after the insurance picks up its half. Ouch.

Housing Update...

Located on Chris's blog if you are interested.


Monday, March 30, 2009

I Think I Just Frostbit My Lips...

Never attempt to hold a Popsicle in your mouth while putting pillows into their cases. Just a bad idea.

Friday, March 27, 2009

That Moment...

Did you ever have one of those moments when someone mentions something offhand that indicates you made some sort of a commitment to them and you totally blank!?!?!? A couple days ago my friend called and asked if I "was still on for Saturday". I panicked, trying desperately to figure out what I had agreed to do and if I could figure it out before I had to answer her. Luckily when I hesitated she said she was only asking to make sure Chris could still make the cake, so she could pick one up if he didn't have time. DO YOU KNOW WHAT I BLANKED ON!?!?!? A baby shower I am helping to host! For the record, I had my part under control, Chris was planning on making the cake and I probably would have remembered to go, but still!!! How dumb can you be!?!?! Sigh... Further proof that pregnancy does indeed destroy brain cells.

(I also had to apologize to a friend I accidentally insulted and my family for getting cranky because "everyone kept talking to me". That whole brain to mouth function seems to have stopped working as well:D)

101 Dalmatians...

Tonight for movie night we watched the live action version of 101 Dalmatians. We were surprised by how Z responded to it. We knew he would enjoy the puppies and the physical humor. What we didn't expect was for him to start crying at the end of the movie because, "All the puppies growed up and I thought they were gonna stay little puppies forever!" We finally managed to calm him down by telling him that all the puppies grew up and were going to have more puppies.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Shoe Troubles...

"When you wear flip-flops your toes have to hold on to your shoes real tight."
-Z, attempting to walk in flip-flops

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Check This Out...

Test your vocabulary skills and help feed the world! This site donates 10 grains of rice for every correct answer you get.

M and the Dwarf...

Something Honormommy posted reminded me of the first time M saw a dwarf. He and the Stallion had gone to the grocery store, just the two of them. They are walking down the aisle when one of the women who worked at the store, who happened to be a dwarf, walked past them. M watched her intently and Chris readied the speech we'd prepared about how God made everyone different and how special that was and how He loved them all just the same. But M doesn't say a word until she turns down another aisle. Then he looks up at Chris with wonder in his eyes and yells, "DAD! THAT WAS AN OOMPA-LOOMPA!"

Oops, Sorry...

Mary reminded me... I had an ultrasound on Monday and they took me off bed rest for the most part. I am still supposed to "take it easy" for another 2 weeks, but other than that I am doing much better. Thank you for all your prayers. I can't believe I made it! :D

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Ice Cream Cone...

M and Z got ice-cream cones to eat on the way to Chris's office today. Z would eat for awhile and then yell that he needed help with "the drips". I would blindly reach back, grab the cone, lick the edges, then hand it back. We picked up Chris and headed for home when Z started yelling again. I reached back and he put the cone in my hand. Sort of. Actually, he had eaten most of the cone. There was about an 1/8 cup of ice-cream balanced carefully on a 1 inch square of cone. I was covered in ice-cream and rolled down my window to toss it out, only the wind blew most of the melted ice-cream back into the car (i.e. my face). Chris was laughing his head off and Z was yelling that he just wanted the cone. So I dumped the ice-cream off the cone, rolled up the window, handed Z the remainder of his cone, told Chris to put a sock in it and dug out the wet wipes. I would love to tell you that I learned my lesson, my kids will never have ice-cream in the car again, but I will not lie to you. I learned no lesson except that I should probably look at what Z is planning to put into my hand before he gives it to me.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Who Are You...

When Z was leaving Sunday school today some kid in his class kept yelling, "Bye, Brian! Bye, Brian!" Z was a bit offended that he didn't know his name was not Brian. Chris asked Z what his friend's name was and Z said, "I call him Dougie, but that's not his name." Chris asked why he called him Dougie then and Z said, "because I don't know his name." Four-year-old's are funny!

Home Owners...

The Stallion and I are talking about buying a house. For years (12, in fact) we have said we do not want to own a home. We a)didn't want the responsibility of a house, b)liked the convenience of living in an apartment and c)weren't really the home owner type.

So what changed? Not much really. We still like living in apartments, we still don't really want the responsibility of a house and I think we are both questioning whether or not we are the home owner types. But with baby 3 on the way we are looking into moving into a 3 bedroom apartment where, for the first time, we will potentially be paying more for rent than we would be paying for a mortgage. So we contacted our realtor friend, Fiona, hesitantly explaining that we just might, maybe, possibly want to buy a home. She was definitely the right person to contact because she is not pushy and understands that we just don't know anything about buying a home. She gave us some sound advice, which we are taking, and a list of homes in our area, some of which are distinct possibilities.

Pray with us about this decision. We feel a little overwhelmed, more than excited, about our housing decisions. Part of us just wants to pack it in and take the bigger apartment. I'm wondering, did anyone else feel this way when they bought their first home? Or are we just crazy? (Probably the latter:D)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

No More Pacifiers...

Dear Z,
Thank you for leaving your na-na's for me. You are such a big boy and I am sure mom and dad are very proud of you! Since you are so big I traded your na-na's for a special big boy toy. Have fun!
The Na-Na Fairy

PS-If you find any na-na's hiding at your house give them to mom and dad. They will make sure I get them.

*Letter left with Indian Jones legos in exchange for Z's pacifiers. He is so big!

More Flirting...

Z told our waitress at lunch today that she looked very beautiful. She laughed and said he was the cutest guy that had ever hit on her at work. On the way to the restroom to wash his hands Z grins up at me and says seriously, "I didn't tell her she looked sexy, 'cause only daddy's are allowed to say that!"

*Later in the meal Chris had to take him to the bathroom again. On his way back he yelled across the room, "MOM!!! I made it to the potty in time!!!" I wasn't even embarrassed, just so relieved!


The Staillion recently updated his blog and I was struck by the fact that he flirts better in cyberspace than in our apartment. This is probably a) because the kids can't hear it and b) because he isn't distracted by all the things that have to be done right then. Either way I love it. :D

Friday, March 20, 2009


Mommy: Can I kiss you?
Z: I don't know. Will it be juicy?

Z: I slammed my finger in the toilet lid. Can you kiss it?
Daddy: I don't know. Did you wash your hands yet?

Bargain Clothes...

I watched this video talking about how celebrities are wearing "budget friendly" clothes these days. They showed different outfits and pictures of the celebrities wearing them and then told you where you could order them. Some of them were, indeed, bargains. However, I have never, never paid "only $32.00" for a t-shirt. I mean, it was striped, but $32.00??? Is it just me or is that really expensive? Maybe its just me...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Flu...

My entire house has the flu. I tricked the boys into napping by putting on a movie in their room and Chris took the next couple of days off in order to recover. And I am having morning sickness on top of all this. The wonderful news is that someone is bringing us dinner tonight. I have to go find a towel, I just sneezed on the monitor.

Dora The Explorer Has A New Meaning...

Poor Dora! What have they done to you?

Dear, Sweet Fiona...

Not only did Fiona invite M over to play all yesterday morning, she also sent home a coupon for $5.00 off an ice-cream cake at Cold Stone. What a wonderful friend!

Dear Prudence...

Today Prudence received a letter from a woman who is "in love" and "talking about marriage" with an intelligent, wonderful man. Her problem? He is apparently "not as attractive" as she is and she wants to adopt rather than risk having ugly babies. Prudence let her have it, of course, but all I could think was "RUN MAN!!!!! RUN!!!!!!" I mean seriously, how shallow could you possibly be!?!?!?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pretty Well Sums It Up...

"Put on a movie and rest for awhile. Z's coughing, you said you aren't feeling great, I'm definitely not feeling well and mom's....well, mom's pregnant."

Chris to M this afternoon.

The Tooth Fairy...

Today Z came running in with a container of baby teeth to "leave for the tooth fairy!" I pointed out to him that those were M's old teeth and showed him where I had written, "M's Baby Teeth". He disappeared and came back a few minutes later with a big grin. He'd taken a marker and crossed off "M" and written "Z". Sadly I was forced to tell him that that wasn't going to work and he would just have to wait. He couldn't understand this at all until finally inspiration struck. "Oh! The tooth fairy doesn't know how to spell Z does she?" We'll just go with that...

Maybe If...

We worked for AIG we would have gotten a real bonus this year. Shame on you, AIG.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dinner Conversation...

Out of the blue at dinner tonight M says, "One time a sneezed a noodle out of my nose." Then he just went on eating while Chris and I stared at him. Thank goodness we weren't having noodles.

Z's Baby Name...

Z wants to name the baby Arizona Jones.

Friday, March 13, 2009

And The Award Goes To...

I officially award the Sexiest Husband of the Year award to the Stallion for going to Dairy Queen to buy his pregnant wife an ice-cream cake. So yummy:D

Hands Up...

Z was attempting to remove his pants using only his feet. It wasn't working so he started yelling, "help, help!" Chris told him to use his hands. He immediately raised his hand and waited for Chris to call on him.

How Did It Get There...

Z: M, you found my Mach 5!!! Where was it, under the refrigerator?
M: No.
Z: Under the dresser?
M: No.
Z: Under the bed?
M: No, it was in the toy box.
Z: Huh???? What was it doing in there?!?!?!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baby Names...

If it's a boy it will be J. If it's a girl it will be A. Hope everyone approves;D

Monday, March 9, 2009

This Baby Does Not Like...

Butter!!! And mayonnaise is iffy, too.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Go Figure...

Watching infomercials about exercise equipment does not actually make one feel more active.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Bed Rest, Day 5...

Me: What are you playing with?
Chris: Broken zip tie.
Me: Why?
Chris: I don't know. Want to try it?
Me: Okay.

Spend next hour watching SVU reruns and playing with broken zip tie. How pathetic...

Monday, March 2, 2009

It Does Get Confusing...

M: Okay, close your eyes and count to ten slowly.
Z: But if I count slowly I will forget what comes after 4!
M: 5.
Z: But only if you count it fast enough!

Positive Things About Bed Rest...

I have been put on bed rest for 3 weeks and honest to goodness it is only day 4 and I am going insane. So here are some positive things I came up with...

1. We are surrounded by wonderful friends who are eager to serve our family by playing with our boys and bringing us meals.
2. My husband loves me and this baby so much that he has not strangled me even though I am really really cranky with him for "doing my job".
3. My children actually enjoy watching television and playing computer all day long.
4. My feet don't really swell that much when I'm not on them 12 hours straight.
5. I am completely hooked on this seasons "Hells Kitchen", much to the delight of my husband.
6. I am still so tired that for the most part being forced to sit down a bit isn't too bad.
7. At the end of the day Chris still loves me even when I don't obey the doctor as well as I should. Also, he cleaned the house and did the laundry so I would stop crying.

Thats all I could think of, but who knows, God may be teaching me a lesson through all of this...