Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Actual Conversation I Just Had...

Z: What's this word?
Me: Noel.
Z: No elf? That is a terrible thing to put on a Christmas card!
Me: Not no elf. Noel.
Z: Yes there is. Right there. (Points at the L.)
Me: No. Not no "L". Noel.
Z: If you don't know what it says I'll just ask dad.

My Boys New Favorite Christmas Joke...

From my nephew T...

How did Darth Vader know what Luke got him for Christmas?

Answer in comments...

Monday, December 6, 2010


The children at our church are memorizing the beatitudes for Sunday school. If they can learn them all and recite them at the end of the school year they get to attend a waffle party with our children's pastor. Z missed last year because he wouldn't say his verses to his teachers (too busy playing!), but he is quite determined to go this year and practices his verses A LOT. This morning on the way to school he was reciting them and then...

"I made up my own beatitude, mom. Isaac 1:1. Blessed are those that learn their memory verses for they shall get to go to the waffle party with Pastor Justin!"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Imperative---What God commands us to do.
Indicative---What God has already done.

Imperative - Indicative = Impossibility

I can never do what God commands me to do without first understanding and accepting what He has already done for me. The End.