Friday, August 31, 2007

HRSMOM Just Made M's Day...

Thank you, dearest SIL, for calling M to see if he was feeling better. He was so excited that someone called just to talk to him. We love you!

I Almost Shot Milk Out of My Nose...

Today on the way home I bought the boys each a carton of milk.

M: That's weird. This milk looks different than the milk at school, but its made by the same guy.
Me: What guy?
M: The milk guy. He made both of the milks.
Me: How do you know?
M: His name was on both cartons.
Me: What's his name?
M: Mr. Shakewell.

(Give it a'll come to you:D)

Chris's Appointments...

He has an X-Ray on the fourth and an appointment with a specialist on the 20th. So its just a waiting game until then. So frustrating...

If You Give a Z a Sandwich...

If you give a Z a sandwich he will probably take the top off to see what kind it is. Then he will ask you if you have any mustard. You will go to the fridge, locate the mustard and take it to him. When you offer to put it on his sandwich he will remind you that he doesn't like mustard. So you will go back and put the mustard away. As soon as you are as far from the refrigerator as possible he will suddenly remember that he wants a glass of milk. You will pour him the milk and take it to him. Looking at the milk will remind him that their is strawberry syrup in the cupboard. He will probably want you to flavor his milk. Once you've made his strawberry milk he will most likely remember he is in the mood for white milk. You will tell him that he has to drink the strawberry milk first and he will probably cry about it for a while. Crying salty tears will remind him that he wanted some chips. You will have to show him every bag of chips in the house at least 3 times before he will decide to just have crackers. You bring him some crackers to eat, but he will probably not want those crackers and end up "accidentally" throwing them onto the floor. When you remind him that if he doesn't settle down and eat his lunch he will be removed from the table, he will suddenly remember that he is hungry. He will probably ask for something to eat. And, chances are, if he asks for something to eat, he will want anything but the sandwich you've already made.

Did You Know...

I am a HUGE Nickelback fan. Oh, and M loves Sheryl Crow.

(Nickelback was recently here in concert, but I didn't go. Mostly because a stay-at-home mommy of two would have looked REALLY out of place there.)

Our Little Secret...

Every Friday we drop M off at his homeschooler's program. Then Z and I go to McDonald's for a hash brown and play at the play land. Don't tell:D

Post Office...

I just had to stand in line at the post office for 20 minutes with a 2 1/2 year old to pick up a certified letter from Chris's company that contained nothing more than an HR update. Sigh.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Air Freshener...

Today Z was playing in the living room and M was working at his desk. M wandered into the kitchen and told me his room smelled "funky" and asked if he could spray it with air freshener. I told him sure and he headed back to his room. As he passed through the living room Z called after him, "Don't freshen up my trains, please!"

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Tigger has been resurrected! Turns out he has an off switch that was simply in the wrong position. Now I am suddenly reminded of how precious life is and how really annoying that toy is!


Chris just informed me that "Tigger is dead. I thought all he needed was a AAA bypass, but sadly Tigger has bought the farm and gone to that bouncing graveyard in the sky." Rest In Peace, Dear Bouncing Friend. TTFN.

Baby Wipes...

Huggies Green Tea and Cucumber baby wipes almost make changing diapers a pleasant experience. Almost.

Speaking of diaper changes...

The following conversation took place as I was changing Z this morning.

M: It stinks in here.
Me: Tell me about it.
M: Okay. Z's diaper is stinking up the joint. End of discussion.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thought for the Day...

If God had a refrigerator your picture would be on it.

*I told M this and he immediately asked if the pictures he drew for God would be on it, too. I told him yes:)

M Watched Spy Kids Today...

M: Mom, are you cool enough to be a spy?
Me: Nope.
M: Ya. That's what I thought.

Why I Love Posting...

Chelley was recently saying that sometimes we speak without thinking, but posting gives us a chance to think about what we are saying. For example, today I almost posted something to someones blog that I realized might have sounded insensitive instead of amusing, so I didn't. I think my friendships would all be healthier if I could read what I'm about to say before I actually say it.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Pillow Fighting...

Tonight while we were having a pillow fight Chris did the Matrix bring it on hand thing. It was funny.

Chocolate For Breakfast...

Yesterday Chris told Z that he could not have a chocolate granola bar for breakfast. Then he proceeded to feed him 5 bowls of cocoa puffs. Go figure.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007

Yes, It Was All True...

The "brown-bread" story was true, word for word. It actually happened which is why it isn't really that funny to me. But now my family is passing it around again and laughing "with" me. So, I'm glad everyone is re-enjoying it, but I seriously haven't made brown bread since that day, but thanks to all this talk about it I have a severe craving. I will have to wait until Monday when H comes back to make it:D

(H was the 7 month old in the story:)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Please Pray...

Chris had what was supposed to be his last cancer check yesterday. It has been almost 5 years exactly since the diagnosis and this was to be his "completely cured" appointment. However, one of his markers was high, so he is being referred to a specialist. It is probably nothing to worry about, but it is so frustrating because we have to wait for more test results to know for certain. Please pray for patience and good health. Thanks in advance.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Speaking of My Soft-Spokeness...

One time Chris and I were at a party and the host asked each couple to go around and introduce themselves. He said that the quieter of the two should do the talking and the other member of the couple should keep their mouths shut. Then everyone looked at me like, you know she's gonna talk. It was embarrassing. And, yes, I'm pretty sure when our turn came around I did say a little something, but come on, everyone was obviously looking forward to hearing from me:D

Monday, August 20, 2007

Cause of Death...

Z told us somebody "died of chocolate on his face" today. He'll probably write for CSI when he grows up.

Guess What...

H came back today. He will be here on Mondays. He was so excited to see the boys and they were so excited to see him. They just played and loved on each other the whole time he was here. We are so glad he's back.

If I Met A Genie...

Everyday M has a "question of the day". Today's question was "If you met a genie, what would you wish for?" M's answer? "More friends and freedom for the genie." Isn't that a beautiful wish for a six-year-old to make?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I Told My SIL To Start A Blog...

Now lets just hope she listens:D


If my six-year-old says "underpants" one more time today I will probably go insane.

My Husband's New (Annoying) Habit...

Lately whenever I ask my husband anything he responds with "if by that you meant" and then adds something I SO didn't mean. For example: "Chris, would you like some strawberries?" "If by strawberries you mean (insert something I SO didn't mean) then yes, I would." He says he is thinking about writing for a sitcom someday and needs the practice. Sigh.

(Truthfully, I can't wait to see what he posts on this one...)

Today At Sunday School Volunteer Training...

The leader said I was too soft-spoken. Anyone who's ever met me in person care to comment on that one???

More Solitaire...

Good news on the solitaire front. Chris showed me how to delete my statistics and start over. So although I lost the record of my 275 consecutive wins, I still have a perfect record. So, yeah for me! (and Chris:D)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Does It Bother Anyone Else...

When people participate in polls and mark the "I have no opinion on this topic" box? Why participate in the poll if you have no opinion on this topic??? I mean, really, people. Either get an opinion or just don't vote.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Speaking of New Cars...

M: "The next time we need a new car can we get a Zamboni?"

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Not to confuse anyone...

But did you know that Z is actually short for I? M started referring to I as Z when I was little. I really prefer I, but Z was so cute it just stuck. However, now Z is referring to himself as I and M has started to refer to him as I, but for some reason I just keep calling him Z. I guess I will just have to work on calling him I instead of Z. Otherwise it could get really confusing around here.

Chocolate or Vanilla...

Three words you should never hear when ordering a Wendy's Frosty. It is just wrong.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

All Of Your Blogs Are Now In My Favorites...

Just thought you'd like to know:)

The Debate Continues...

The Big Debate: Should Matthew M. put on a shirt?

Don't forget to vote. (I voted "Put on a shirt, please!", but so far I'm in the minority.)

*Please note: This clip is not really that interesting, but having blogged about Matt's nakedness last month I felt that I should post this as a follow-up.

I thought of you today Hobbitsister...

when my 2-year-old was scarfing spaghetti at lunch. It was pretty gross.

Monday, August 13, 2007

M's 1st Day of School...

During a discussion of the First Inauguration.

Me: It took 14 days for George Washington to travel from Virginia to New York. Today we could do that in a few hours by taking a plane. What do you think he used to travel?

M: A car?

Me: No. The car hadn't been invented yet.

M: Had they invented pants?

Me: Uh...yes.

M: Oh. So he was wearing pants then?

Me: I guess so.

M: Okay. That's good to hear.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I Think Windows Must Be Male...

Whenever I type things in windows it pops up "corrections". I then have to go back and fix it, while it continues to insist that that was what I wanted to do in the first place (it wasn't). So I have decided that my version of windows is definitely male. It always thinks it knows what I want, but it is seldom right simply because it isn't really paying attention to me and my needs. (For the record, I am not frustrated at my husband, just at my computer:P)

I will post more and catch up on your posts just as soon as I get M started back to school. It is really crazy here right now:D