Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Spelling Mix-Up...

I was looking at pictures on Facebook and Z asked about one of them...

Z: Who is that?
Me: Your cousin Mr. T.
Z: Who is the girl?
Me: His girlfriend.
Z (giggling): What's her name?
Me: LE, why?
Z: Mr. T and LE sitting in a tree, s-p-j-k-l-m-n-o-p.
M (interrupting): You spelled it wrong.
Z (seriously cracking up): No, I didn't! I wasn't spelling it, I was spelling KISSING!

Z wanders off still laughing and muttering "i-t spells it. Silly M!"

How The Lego Man Got In The Water Bottle...

M: Will you please stop blaming me?
Z: I'm not blaming you, but if you hadn't given me the water bottle I wouldn't have put the lego guy into it!
M: I gave you the water bottle so you could have a drink because you said you were thirsty.
Z: I was thirsty and I did have a drink, but now my lego man is stuck in the water bottle because you gave it to me.
M: You are the one who dropped it in there! You should have just had a drink and passed it back.
Z: I did have a drink!
M: And then YOU dropped your lego man in the bottle. You, you, YOU!
Z (completely exasperated): Yes, because you GAVE it to me!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Who Needs A Puppy...

when you have a baby! Today AJ crawled underneath the kitchen table while the boys were having lunch and proceeded to bang on their legs until they started sneaking snacks to her. She would knock on them until they handed down the food, then sit and grin while she ate. The funniest part was how sneaky the boys were being. They didn't feed her anything she shouldn't have had, though, so I just pretended not to notice. :D

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lol...He Called Me "Tricksy"...

Z: What's for dinner?
Me: Pasta Primavera
Z: Yum! Wait, isn't that spaghetti with vegetables?
Me: Sort of.
Z: Very tricksy of you mom!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Underwear or Under Where...

M: Mom, what's that under there?
Me: Under the table?
M: No.
Me: Under the chair?
M: Nope.
Me: I don't know. What is it?
M: That thing! Under there!
Me: You're going to have to be more specific.
M: Under there!
Me: Hmmm...I'm not sure what you mean. Could you hand me the spoon that's under there?
M: Under where? (Lengthy pause...) Dang it.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I Don't Think They Sell Those...

Z: Mom, I really need a new bank.
Me: Why? What's wrong with your bank?
Z: Its broken. I need a new one and I know what kind I want.
Me: What's broken about it and what kind do you want?
Z: Mine doesn't have any money. The kind I want is the kind that comes already full of money.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Let Me Explain It To You...

Z: Mom, can I watch Teen Titans?
Me: What are Teen Titans?
Z: Its a show about these teenagers who are also titans.
Me: Okay, and what does that mean exactly.
Z: I think it means that they tighten things up. You know, when they get loose and stuff.

M: Thanks for taking me to Polly's house today.
Me: You're welcome. That was nice of Fiona to have you over.
M: Yep. You know, Polly is the only girl I really like hanging out with.
Me: Okay.
M: Not that she's my girlfriend. She's not really. She's just a girl who is my friend.
Me: Good because you are too young to have girlfriends.
M: Right. But I like her. Like a friend, I mean.
Me: I'm glad you're friends with Polly.
M: Me, too. And when I get my license I'm going to take her to the movies.
Me: Like on a date?
M: GEEZ MOM! I told you she's not my girlfriend!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Little Thief...

Z: Mom, look! I found $5.00!
Me: Where?
Z: In your purse. It was in your wallet. See, I found it and now I can buy legos!
Me: No, you can't. That isn't your money. Taking money out of someone else's wallet is stealing.
Z: No, I didn't steal it, I FOUND it.
Me: You FOUND it in my wallet. I didn't lose it. I put it in my wallet so I would know where it was.
Z: But I found it. If you wanted it you would have put it someplace safe.
Me: I do want it. I put it in my wallet to keep it safe.
Z: Are wallets a good place to keep money safe.
Me: Yes, usually.
Z: Okay.
(Turns to go upstairs.)
Me: Wait a second, where are you going with that money?
Z: To put it in my wallet. You know, to keep it safe.

Yes, I did eventually get my money back and Z did receive a stern lecture on "finding" things.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Bless You...

Today I was downstairs when I heard Z sneeze a huge sneeze upstairs. I called up a bless you and he asked if I heard him. I jokingly told him people in China probably heard him. It was quiet for a minute and then he called, "Did they hear me sneeze in English or Chinese?"

Cloud Stories...

"Look, mom! There's an elephant in the clouds. Look, its chasing that alligator. Oh, there's a hand. Now it makes so much sense. The elephant is chasing the alligator because someone just slapped it on the buns. Hey, a monster! And he's eating chicken nuggets. Wait, the hand is trying to steal the chicken nuggets! Hey, buddy, get your own nuggets! Now the monster is eating the hand. Good. He shouldn't have tried to steal his chicken nuggets. The monster is nice, though, he's sharing the nuggets with the alligator. Probably because the alligator said please and just didn't steal them. And now the elephant is being friends with the alligator. It was just that hand that was causing all the trouble. Mom, isn't funny how the clouds make the pictures, but the wind tells the story?"

(Oh, Z, you are too, too adorable for your own good!)