Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Z's First Crush...

Z has a crush on a little girl in his room who always wears bows in her hair. He drew her a picture of a little boy and a little girl with a bow in her hair holding hands. M helped him spell and he carefully wrote, "Dear A, I like you. Will you play with me? Love, Z". He was a bit nervous about giving her the card so his teacher helped him out. When he came home I asked him if A had played with him and he gave me a HUGE grin and said, "Yes. The ENTIRE RECESS!" Score! Now every evening at dinner Z tells us what color bow A was wearing at school. Today he was trying to explain to us that she was wearing two bows...

Z: Two bows. Not one. And they were white-ish. And she had mom hair.
(I was totally confused until Chris looked at my hair-do and grinned.)
Chris: You mean she had pigtails, like mom?
Z: Yep. Except with bows.

Ahhh, young love...

Monday, September 20, 2010

4 Of My Favorite Things...

...About 4 Of My Favorite People...

1. He is funny in a witty, sarcastic way which I find extremely attractive.
2. He understands Biblical truth is an amazing way and lovingly and patiently shares it with me.
3. He is a phenomenal father who loves his kids and never hesitates to show and tell them so.
4. He is one of the strongest people I know. He has risen above and overcome so many things to become the man he is today and it has been a privilege to watch him grow from a teenage boy into a wonderful, Godly man.

1. He is creative, constantly inventing new things and coming up with new ideas to improve things. He draws cartoons that crack me up.
2. He is persistent. When he wants something he doesn't let anything stand in his way.
3. He is cautious and thoughtful with his words and actions. He thinks things through before he acts on them.
4. He is a chatterbox. He loves telling jokes and stories and doing magic tricks. He always has something to contribute.

1. He is FUN. He loves having a good time, but he likes it best when he can share his adventures with people he loves.
2. He is a good friend. He loves making new friends and is sensitive to what they are thinking and feeling.
3. He is daring. He will try things even if they intimidate him and when he is afraid he talks it through and figures out how to deal with it. He never lets one bad experience dictate what he is willing to try in the future.
4. He is just too darn cute. When you tell him good-bye, he salutes you. When he tells you a funny story, he always adds the phrase, "And this part is hilarious..." before the ending.

1. She is tough. No matter how many times she falls down (or gets knocked down) she just pops right back up and moves on.
2. She is joyful. Clapping her hands and scooting around on her bottom are enough to make her laugh and she gets excited when the boys just play near her. She makes it obvious that she just enjoys her life.
3. She is sweet. She will pat my feet as she is crawling by and say "mama" just because. She presses her cheek to your cheek and makes smacking noises.
4. She is emotional. She feels everything with her entire being. When she is sad, she is sadder than any baby has ever been. And when she is happy, she is happier than anyone in the world. Luckily, she is usually happy.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Zuckered Again...

Hmmmm...I love how they throw in that the minimum age requirement for facebook is 14, but then claim they can't disable the account. I just find this whole thing incredibly confusing. If facebook has rules such as age requirements, then they must have a way to enforce those rules. For example, by shutting down accounts created by children who are breaking them. I just can't believe that they are that incapable of solving this problem. If the mother was asking them to shut down someone else's account I could maybe see an issue, but basically you have someone requesting to close an account they opened. I just think that this is, quite frankly, ridiculous and that facebook and its creator deserve all the bad press they are receiving from this. But maybe that is just me...