Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Not-Happy Chocolate Story...

For Chelleybutton...

When my husband and I were first married he put two Lindor cinnamon truffles in my stocking for Christmas. They were the most delicious chocolates I have ever eaten. I savored every bite and made each one last several days. Then I went back to buy some more and they said the were all out. Then they said they were seasonal and wouldn't be back until next Christmas. So I waited until next Christmas, but then they said they were discontinued! So I began to search for other brands of Cinnamon Truffles. My mom finally found some from Harry and David. They were almost (not quite) as good, but they were also seasonal. So I decided to make my 5 truffles last until next Christmas, but then the next Christmas they said they had been discontinued, too. So that is my not-happy chocolate story:(


chelleybutton said...

wow, that is not-happy... why do they make any chocolate "seasonal"?? hmph. we should be in charge, busy

hobbitsister said...

that's a really sad story.

melilotnfosco said...

that is a not-happy chocolate story :(

Chris G said...

I actually called Lindor and said I'd import a case if I had to (they only sell case lots from the factory...) They just don't make them anymore :( Never stop checking though...and I ask at all the Lindor stores we go to. Usually the older workers remember them, and have no idea why they don't make them anymore either!

chelleybutton said...

so annoying... but keep asking, & maybe eventually the word will spread -- remember when mcdonald's went to only vanilla ice cream? and everyone thought that was the dumbest thing ever, & now, several years later, they're finally beginning to get chocolate back at certain locations

(btw, a friend of mine had a student who worked there & said people used to come through the drive-thru often & say "do you have twist cones?" & he'd have to answer "no" & so they'd just drive off!:))

melilotnfosco said...

i've done that.

and chris, that's very sweet. :)

Kimberly said...

ooh that's a good idea! We should buy them in case lots. Superstore just raised their prices and the government doesn't cover medicinal chocolate quite yet! :)

chelleybutton said...

medicinal chocolate: i like the sound of that...