Thursday, July 30, 2009

Guess That Object...

Z: "Mom? Can you rewind this? But be careful because its stuck on my finger."

Can you guess that object? :D


Movies I haven't seen, but would probably enjoy:
-High School Musical
-Bourne Supremacy
-Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
-Die Hard 4

Movies I have seen, but wish I hadn't:
-Bad Boys 2
-Forest Gump

Movies I have seen, liked, but probably won't ever see again:
-Legend of Bagger Vance
-Remember the Titans
-Bad Boys
-Once Upon a Time in Mexico
-Saving Private Ryan

Movies I could watch again and again:
-Sleepless in Seattle
-You've Got Mail

Movies I will never see because I know I won't like them:
-Blair Witch Project
-We Were Soldiers
-Sin City
-Knocked Up

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Celebrities Just Aren't Like Us...

Uma Thurman struggled to cope with the strains of motherhood-until a doctor ordered her to spend one night a week in a luxury hotel.

"I'll never forget. I went to see a doctor a few years ago and he said, 'I'm going to write you a prescription', and I went, 'OK, what's he giving me a prescription for?' And he wrote down on the pad: 'Hotel: One night a week'."

(I think this is the part where you feel sorry for how difficult it is to be a mom, but I can't be sure.)

Monday, July 27, 2009

I Really Need To Go To Costco...

I am out of fruit. My kids survive on fruit so I opened a can of fruit cocktail for lunch. Apparently this was Z's first experience with fruit cocktail...

"What the heck is this stuff? This looks like a grape. Is this a grape? It doesn't taste like a grape. Oops, I popped it open. Its good, though. What are these things? They look like peaches, but not like peaches. They don't really taste like peaches. And these white things don't taste like chicken. Why is there red peppers in this? I thought this was fruit. Is red peppers fruit? Oh, wait, they're ice-cream cherries. I like this. Hey, this tastes like high quality! Can we have this everyday?"

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Kids Biblical Knowledge...

The sky was overcast when we left to take Chris to work this morning, but the sun came up on our way home. Z was very excited and yelled, "Look, mom! There appears the sun of God!!!"

Later that day...

Z: Are you ever gonna have our baby? You've been pregnant for a hundred years!
M: Wow! That's even longer than Abraham was pregnant!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Chris was mopping the floor and Z told him he would "be careful" and then they had the following conversation:

Chris: Don't be careful. Stay off the floor.
Z stops moving and looks at the kitchen floor.
Chris: Did you hear me?
Z (still looking at the kitchen floor): Yes.
Chris: Are you going to stay off the floor?
Z (quite exasperated): I AM staring at the kitchen floor!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Today Is...

M's spiritual birthday. 3 years ago, when Chris was home on an unplanned sick day, he and M had a conversation (started by M) on sin and the penalty for sin. (Chris and I both firmly believe that the decision to ask Jesus into one's heart should be driven by the heart, not by parents or leaders putting words into children's mouths. We have seen this happen way too many times and believe that there is a distinct difference between children repeating lessons they have learned and truly grasping the undeniable truth that they need Jesus grace.) Even after M made his decision and prayed, Chris and I watched him wondering if a 5 year old could truly grasp such a big concept. So we prayed, we talked to M and answered his questions and today we celebrate 3 years of M being part of God's family. We have seen so much growth and have watched him mature in his faith in so many ways and we can hardly wait to see what God does with his life! Happy Birthday M!!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Me: Z, why did you write your name backwards?
Z: 'Cause I forgot.
Me: Forgot what? That your name doesn't go backwards?
Z (after a brief pause): Yeah, you're right. That doesn't make any sense.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Z: "When I grow up I'm going to sleep in just my pull-up. You know, just like dad does!"

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Can You Feel The Love...

I was babysitting for a friends kids today and her daughter made the following observation:

Al: Are you babysitting us?
Me: Yes.
Al: But you can't be our babysitter.
Me: Why not?
Al: Because I love you!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Fire Station...

Our friend MB invited the kids to go visit him at the fire station today. And what a visit it was!!! He took the kids up in the air on a ladder truck, let them climb inside (and on) 4 different kinds of trucks, let them try on his gear and gave them a tour of the station. It was so much fun and the boys were so thrilled. I am so grateful for friends who love our kids enough to take time to hang out with them and share things like this. At no point in time did he treat the kids like an inconvenience or get frustrated with their numerous questions. I know this is a day they won't forget for a long time!

M's Fire Station Quote: "A cat in a tree is not a REAL emergency unless the tree is on fire."

Z's Fire Station Quote: "I liked the kitchen best because that is where all the fire fighters eat their dinner."