Sunday, November 11, 2007


"When my sneeze and yawn had a race my sneeze came in first."

M: When are you going to get a job mom?
Dad: Mom's job is being a mom and its the hardest job there is.
M: No, I'm pretty sure that construction worker is the hardest job there is.

"If tomorrow were yesterday then I would have already gone to school and I could sleep in tomorrow."

"Find a penny pick it up and all day long I'll have good luck!" Walks into pole while looking at penny. "Stupid Penny!!!! I should have left you on the ground!!!"

Friday, November 9, 2007

Hurricane Z...

Tonight while M was at a birthday party I let Z take a bath all by himself. I was in my room folding laundry. When I checked on him 15 minutes later (the bathroom door was open so I could hear him if he needed me) I discovered him THROWING BUCKETS of water onto the floor. There was 3 inches of standing water and I, quite frankly, did not know how to handle it! I was at a complete loss! How do you clean up that much water??? Finally I just threw down every towel we owned which were immediately soaked through and dripping. So I am now doing 3 loads of towels tonight, but the bathroom floor is SPARKLING:) (I also said another prayer for all those people in New Orleans. If I can't handle 3 inches in a contained area I can't imagine how they coped at all.)

*Post-script: I am very sorry I laughed during Hurricane Erma. What goes around comes around, right hobbitsister?? :P

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Why I Will Always Love My Mom...

When I was 11 I baked a cake all by myself. It was terrible! I mixed up the granulated sugar and the confectioners sugar and then I dyed the icing this weird shade of green-blue. My mom cut herself a big piece and told me that I did a great job for my first time. Then every day after that she would sneak into the kitchen and cut a small piece off the cake and hide it in the trashcan. I didn't know until well into adulthood that she had done that, but when I found out I smiled:)

*Funny side-note: My older sister tried the cake, as well, but decided it was gross. But then when she saw that someone else was "eating" it, she kept trying it to see if it was better than she thought it was. It wasn't.