Sunday, May 31, 2009

Things I Wonder...

-Why anyone would twitter (tweet? twitt?) while in labour.
-Why anyone would want to read what someone has tweeted (twitted? tweetered?) while in labour.
-Why I feel dirty saying M's chess coach tweets (twitts? twittered-ed?).
-Why elderly ladies wear their curlers to the grocery store. Don't you curl your hair so it will look nice when you go out?
-Why I think its cute when my four-year-old says "clickly" instead of quickly, but find it annoying when my eight-year-old says "rock-a-moly" instead of guacamole.
-Why my husband absolutely adores me when I'm pregnant. (To be perfectly honest I am not a very nice person when I am pregnant and yet Chris just gets more and more patient with me.)
-Why I think anyone will care what I wonder about. Really, this whole post just makes me look a little sad, but oh well! :0D

Thursday, May 28, 2009

You Know You Live In Arizona...

When you have your back to the sun, your sunglasses on and yet are still squinting.


Me (in a very serious mom voice): Z, you and I both know that that is not the truth.

Z (in a very serious kid-caught-in-a-lie voice): Well, I know its not true, but that doesn't mean that you know that!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weirdest Thing Said At Our House Today...

Chris: Could you just not kiss the cocoa puffs bird!?!?!?!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Worst Field Trip Ever...

"Today in Sunday school we went for a walk to see that grass we aren't allowed to play on. And we couldn't even make any noise!"

-Z, telling us what he did at Sunday school

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Too True...

M: What's is this a puzzle of?
Chris: It's a picture of a basket of fruit that two puppies crawled in to hide, I guess. Or maybe someone put the puppies in the basket and then threw fruit at them, which is kind of disturbing.
M: Maybe someone put fruit in the basket and then decided to throw puppies at it. That would be even more disturbing!

Friday, May 22, 2009


Today as we were leaving Chick-Fil-A the boys and their friends were given balloons. When we got outside one of the boys friends balloons blew away. Z offered him his balloon, we said good-bye and in the car I complimented Z for being such a good friend. His response?

"I didn't want my balloon. Its too windy outside and it might blow away. I just don't need that kind of stress in my life."

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Comfort Foods...

A friend and I were discussing "comfort foods" yesterday and I decided that mine are saltines and ginger-ale (even when I'm not sick!) and my mom's homemade egg custard (which my husband makes almost as well. Okay, probably just as well, its just not mom's!) I decided at breakfast that I would probably add sugary cold cereal to that list as well. What about you? What are some of your "comfort foods"?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Coolest Happy Meal Toy Ever...

"Mom! Burger King doesn't just have Star Trek toys, they have transporters, too!"

-M, after seeing a Burger King commercial which was advertising the new Star Trek drinking glasses.

Z's Blog...

Z asked me to blog this. I don't think that Z understands what a blog is, but since M asks me to blog things for him occasionally I guess that Z just wanted in on it. So here is what Z asked me to blog.

"If you buy a special marked package you could be the next grand prize winner!"

(Sadly, he doesn't remember the name of the product or the peticulars of the prizes, but good luck everyone!)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The ABC's Of Me...

I got tagged again and because I am a co-operative friend here are my ABC's...
A: Age-32
B: Bed Size-Queen
C: Chore You Hate-Dishes
D: Dog's Name-Monti (Dog I had in high-school.)
E: Essential to Start Your Day-Prayer
F: Favorite Color-Pink
G: Gold or Silver-Silver
H: Height-5'2" (In the right shoes!)
I: Instrument You Can Play-Piano
J: Job-Mommy!
K: Kid's-2 + 1 Still Baking!
L: Living Arrangement-Complicated;0D
M: Mom's Name-Myrtice, but she goes by her middle name now.
N: Nicknames-Busy;P (Also, the Stallion calls me...wait. Never mind...)
O: Overnight Hospital Stays-Too Many
P: Pet Peeve-People who get annoyed with my kids for just existing.
Q: Quote from a Movie-Remember when I told you I'd kill you last? I lied.
R: Right or Left Handed-Right, but I brush my teeth with my left.
S: Siblings-2 Older Sisters, 1 Younger Brother
T: Time You Wake Up-7:00am
U: Underwear-Currently I wear gigantic maternity underwear. Sigh...
V: Vegetables You Dislike-Peas
W: Ways You Run Late-Kids
X: X-Rays You've Had-I practically glow in the dark.
Y: Yummy Food You Can Make-Soup (You name the kind and I've probably made it.)
Z: Zoo Animal (favorite)-Manatees (we saw them in Ohio.)

I'm supposed to tag 26 people, but I don't really know 26 people. (Okay, I do, but tagging people just isn't my thing;) If you'd like to do this go for it!


We had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed the new "Indiana Jones" ride. Plus nobody puked, which, now that I think about it, is highly suspicious. We have never gone on a family vacation where no one threw up before. Oh, well, its probably best not to dwell on it.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

One Of Those Moments...

M turned 8 today. Say WHAT!!??!? That's right! My baby is 8! I can hardly believe it, but now that I think about it I probably saw it coming. Little signs were all over, really. Like the fact that I can no longer lift him up into my arms. Or the fact that he doesn't call me mommy anymore and kisses my cheek instead of my lips. Maybe it was the fact that he prefers chapter books to picture books and loves multiplication. Or it could have been that he wants to play football or chess with his friends instead of Candyland with his mommy. Its weird, but even with all those signs it still caught me by surprise that my baby, my first-born is officially an 8 year old. It helped, though, when he commented on his new status.

"I know I'm eight, but I still feel seven. It will probably take a week or two before I really feel eight."

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Stallion...

I just recieved an email from "The Stallion". I opened it and discovered the following link which absolutly cracked me and moved me tears all at the same time. (Okay, so the tears are mostly pregnant lady tears, but it was still very sweet!)

Mothers Day News Flash!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tough Questions...

I recently read a book by Caroline Mahaney, who is a wonderful Christian author. One of the things she addressed in the book was women's desire to be thin. I admit that this has always been my desire, one I have never achieved. I have tried every diet on the planet and exercise (even now) a lot more frequently than is probably good for me. To what end? Before I re-injured my knee I was down to a size 14. That's it. As advised by this book I made a list of the reasons I wanted to be "healthy" only to realize that I am healthy! My cholesterol and blood pressure are well within normal ranges, my asthma is under control, I rarely get winded and I have no trouble keeping up with my kids (at least I didn't before I got pregnant). So I ripped up that list and made a new list with all the reasons I wanted to be "thin". Guess what? Not a single one of them was God honoring. Not even one! My husband doesn't even prefer skinny girls, so I can't use being more attractive to him as an excuse. (Truth be told, he hates it when I diet!) So while I am still eating healthy I am trying not to do it in hopes of losing the baby weight faster. While I am still walking in the evening I am taking the doctors advice and not running. I am even shortening my walk when I feel tired. I don't know how long this new attitude will last, but I am praying about it. But this time I'm not asking God to give me will-power or a tighter butt! This time I'm asking Him to help me remember that my identity isn't built around my earthly appearance, but my heavenly one. I am asking Him to give me the strength and courage to ignore my worldly desires in order to focus more clearly on what He desires for me which I'm guessing probably doesn't have a lot to do with how my butt looks today.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I Really Love Facebook...

While I am certainly not addicted to facebook (I have friends who always seem to be posting or taking quizzes) I really do enjoy it. It has become an easy way for me to hear about prayer requests, not to mention meal and babysitting needs. I have heard from few old friends, but mostly it has just been a way for me as a busy mom to keep in touch with my other busy mom friends. So if anyone asks me I can honestly say I really love facebook!

*As a side-note, M asked if he could have a facebook page and I promptly told him, "Nope. Mom's on facebook. Its kind of a grown-up thing. :0D

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Holy Pancakes!

Full Headline: Holy Pancakes! Virgin Mary Seen On Griddle

Article goes on to discuss the "image" of Virgin Mary that appeared on the griddle of the Las Palmas Restaurant. Does anyone else ever wonder how people manage to "recognize" a woman who was never photographed or even described very clearly? Or am I the only person who wonders these things...

Dear Dove...

Sometimes I wish my Dove wrapper would just say, "Have another piece of chocolate. You deserve it!"

Friday, May 1, 2009

8 Things...

I got "tagged"...twice! So here you go...

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:

1. Baby 3
2. M's Birthday
3. Trip to Legoland (next weekend for M's birthday!)
4. New Housing (We have an offer in, but still in limbo...)
5. Another Peanut Butter Brownie (What!?!?!? There yummy!)
6. A Date With My Husband (soon??? maybe???)
7. Being Done With Homeschooling for the Year (I'm in good me:)
8. My Nephew's Birthday Party (H is almost 3...can you believe it???)

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

1. Napped (just a given these days)
2. Spent 2 kid-free hours with my husband.
3. Took Z to P.E. (last day)
4. Missed M (he had a great time with friends at the Zoo, but I still missed him.)
5. Skipped Dinner (I ate a few tortilla chips later, but I just wasn't hungry.)
6. Watched Hell's Kitchen with the Stallion.
7. Took Z to breakfast at Jack-in-the-Box.
8. Took a short walk.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:

1. Knit (Thanks for trying to teach me Mrs. L. Sorry I'm such a bad student:( )
2. Bake. (Sort of...I mean, what if I want peanut butter brownies when Chris isn't home???)
3. Grow a Garden.
4. Lift M. (When did he get so big???)
5. Hug Hobbitsister.
6. Sleep Comfortably.
7. Catch up on laundry. (If only we were nudists...)
8. Sleep in with my husband. (Chris usually lets me sleep in on weekends, which is nice, but it would be nice if we could sleep in together occasionally.)

8 T.V. Shows I Watch:

Okay, I have to change this to "have watched" because I really don't watch T.V.
1. Hell's Kitchen (Chris watches and I got hooked while on bed rest so I'll be finishing up the season. I think Paula's got it.)
2. House (Chris watches it, so its on in the background...)
3. Family Guy (Chris...)
4. CSI (re-runs and CSI:NY is out at this house since the Gary Sinise dream...)
5. Scrubs (Chris and I used to watch this one a lot, but we lost interest.)
6. 30 Minute Meals (M's favorite)
7. Handy Manny (Z's favorite)
8. Numb3rs (I like this show, I just don't watch T.V. and never seem to catch it.)

Okay, I'll tag the Stallion just for fun, but that's all for me folks!

Interesting Prespective...

Z: "I wish I was Pinocchio. Then I could lie all the time and know one would know."
Mom: "Pinocchio's nose grew longer when he lied. Everyone always knew when he was lying."
Z: "No, mom. At the end of the movie Pinocchio becomes a real boy. Then he could lie all the time and no one knew. I guess he just became a real boy and a liar at the same time!"