Monday, May 12, 2008

Moving On...

We are moving to a new and yet unknown location. I will admit to stressing about it pretty much non-stop. Yesterday I was reading this month's Readers Digest and came across a little blurb about a military family being interviewed about relocating so frequently. The interviewer asked their 5 year old how she felt about going to a new home and she replied, "We carry our home with us, we just have to find a new house to put it it." What a beautiful way to look at things! It was just the perspective I needed.


chelleybutton said...

the midwest?? :) i'll be praying for you!

chelleybutton said...

hehe, that sounds like i'm praying for you b/c you have to move to the midwest -- but you know what i meant: i hope it's the midwest, but i'll be praying either way :)

Kimberly said...

are you moving to a different town or just a different location in the same town? (or a different country :) hint hint!!)
Josh and I know all about moving as kids- we'll be praying for you all.

BusyMommy said...

Sorry if I misled you. We are staying where we are, just moving into a different location in 6 weeks. Still frustrating, but certainly not as drastic. :) We moved a lot when I was a kid, too, Kim.

hobbitsister said...

yes, your post is confusing. i thought you were skipping town, too.
and isn't it great that you've already seen God working to provide for your family? :D