Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Me: What would you like for lunch, Z? We have hot-dogs, ravioli, chicken nuggets or chips and cheese?

Z: Just surprise me, but not with a hot-dog. Or ravioli. Or chicken nuggets. Or chips and cheese.

Me: That was all your choices. Which did you want?

Z: Sigh. Just SURPRISE me.

So I put a Little Debbie zebra cake on a napkin and called him to the table. He was surprised. ;)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hope The Baby Gets The Father's Brains...

I am in the baby aisle looking for something for AJ when a young, pregnant woman and her husband enter the aisle to look at formula.

Her: Geez. This stuff is so expensive! I wish there was something cheaper. (Turns to me.) What do you feed your baby?

Me: Breastmilk.

Her: What brand is that? Do you know what it costs? (Husband looks amused.)

Me: Its free.

Her: Oh. (Leans toward husband and whispers loudly.) I think she must be on welfare.

(I could still hear her husband laughing from 3 aisles away.)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

You're Right, That Doesn't Make Sense...

"Z is ALWAYS bouncing around, running, rolling on the ground or spinning in circles. So how is it possible that when we put him in a car he gets MOTION SICK???"

-Chris, after Z threw up for the second time in the van we borrowed for our trip.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Joy Of Road Trips...

M: Are we there yet?

Me: No. Please don't start that again.

(Blessed silence from the backseat for maybe two minutes...)

Z: Mom, I can spell Tiger. T-I-G...

M: Mom, I made this picture and if you press this button...

Z: I can spell rainbow. R-A-I...

M: See, now if I press it really fast it...

Z: I can spell nest. N-E-S...

M: Do you want me to teach you how to...

Z: I can spell fish. F-I-S...

M: Its not hard. I could show you how to...

Me to Chris: Are we there yet?!?!?!?