Sunday, November 9, 2008

Day 2 Without My Baby...

Okay, I managed to get both boys out the door to the 8:30 service this morning. I did forget their canned food donation, but promised to send them with double next week. (I remembered their offering, though.) Then we went to Costco for lunch (hot-dogs and samples) and bought Chris's Christmas gift (wrapped and hidden now). We ran by the bookstore and bought a new movie to watch together. Had soup for dinner, consoled Z with the knowledge that daddy will be home tomorrow. Reminded M that what daddy is doing is very important and we are glad he went. Prayed with boys. Put them to bed and threw on tennis shoes. Now I'm cleaning my house to keep myself occupied. I know this will be easier the next time he leaves and, again, I am thrilled he was able to go and am so looking forward to hearing what a blessing this weekend was for him. (I have a sitter coming Tuesday around lunch so I can take Chris out and hear all about it:). Now I am going to frantically clean my house and hopefully exhaust myself before I fall asleep on Chris's pillow. (Its funny how accustomed one gets to not sleeping alone.)

Before I forget, I had a GREAT time with my girls last night. I love my friends because they are so goofy and so Godly all at the same time. We talked about our "relationships" with our husbands, what we don't wear (I was shocked!) and how God is currently working in our lives. Plus we had Chinese food, Starbucks and my sweet K made cookies (my favorite, I ate 4!!!). Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with such beautiful friends. (You guys are TOTALLY included in that sentiment:)


chelleybutton said...

Aww. :) I'm impressed that you already got his Christmas present bought and wrapped too! I haven't even thought about Christmas (except to think, 'How am I gonna pay for everything?;)

BusyMommy said...

I hear that:)