Monday, April 27, 2009

Good Reminder...

"Homemaking-being a full-time wife and mother-is not a destructive drought of uselessness but an overflowing oasis of opportunity; it is not a dreary cell to contain one's talents and skills but a brilliant catalyst to channel creativity and energies into meaningful work."

-Dorothy Patterson

House Hunting...

Chris always looks at the price vs. the space. I just look at the cross streets. Its just faster that way.

On Yahoo News...

"With divorce rates rising, some countries are proposing nuptials with renewable contracts."


Saturday, April 25, 2009

I Can't Help But Wonder...

Are people who I have never really been friends with "friending" me because they are curious how I turned out or because they want a lot of friends?

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Stallion...

Chris just baked a cake for a friend's daughter's birthday. It is a pink and purple guitar with flowers all over it. It is absolutely precious and I can't wait to see her face when she sees it. If you haven't seen one of Chris's cakes I am trying to get him to post pictures on his facebook page. He could really do this professionally or at least as a side job...

The Zoo...

Yesterday I took M and two friends to the zoo for a few hours. We rode the carousal, went to the petting zoo and monkey village and saw all sorts of animals.

Today I took Z and a friend to the zoo. We played at the water park, had a picnic lunch, looked at the giraffes and rode the carousal.

I was trying to figure out which day I enjoyed most. Both days were filled with challenges and excitement and I finally decided it is a tie. But I am a lot less tired today:D

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Chris: Z, go use the bathroom.
Z: Why do you keep telling me to do that?
Chris: Because you keep grabbing yourself and dancing around!
Z: Yes, because I have to go potty!

I Think I Might Just Be...

more popular on facebook than in real life. Which is sad for the people who added me, since I'm not a very reliable cyber friend, as you all know too well;P


My kids are not whiners. Thank goodness. After a brief period of time with whiny kids I was about to rip my ears off my head. (I'm not talking the occasional, "its hot outside", I'm talking the constant, cannot seem to speak in a normal tone of voice whining...)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Joined...

facebook. Still not sure I get it yet. Plus I only have one friend, so I am also a big geek. Quick! Someone friend me!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I May Or May Not Have...

just eaten the tops off of 4 cupcakes.

Biblical Humor Day Nine...

Which area of Palestine was especially wealthy?

Best Reason I've Ever Heard For Joining Facebook...

"If you don't have kids old enough to want to join facebook or kids who even know what facebook is, now is the time for you to join. That way when your kids ask to join you can say no, mom's on facebook, its for grown-ups!"

Poor Parenting...

I just gave M a ridiculous ultimatum because I am just so sick of him messing around instead of just doing his work. I know that it was ridiculous. I know that I will have to follow through on it. I know that it wasn't a proud parenting moment. But then again I also know that his school work should have taken him less than an hour today and yet he's been at it for well over two. Serenity Now!!!!

Just Another Reason I Love The Stallion...

Yesterday after work Chris ran by the store and bought something I had joked about wanting. So thoughtful...

(Plus the other night when I had trouble getting off the floor he helped me up and said, "I love it when you are great with child!" Totally cracked me up...)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dear Miss California...

Thank you for your honesty. Regardless of what people believe they should at least respect the fact that you have integrity. You should be proud of yourself for being who you are regardless of the circumstances.

Only Chris...

Chris told the boys that the baby will be here after Talk Like A Pirate Day.

(For those of you who don't know TLAP Day is Sept. 19th and my husband and children follow "the rules" all day long including in public. So fun... :D

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Petition and Praise...

Petition: Both boys have strep throat:(
Praise: They also have a WONDERFUL doctor who called them in a prescription of antibiotics so they didn't have to go to urgent care.

I'll Be Your Best Friend...

Z reaches over and helps himself to a nacho off Chris's plate. Chris asks what he's doing and with a big grin he replies, "I'm having nachos with you, dad, 'cause you're my best friend!"

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Biblical Humor Day Eight...

Which servant of God was the most flagrant lawbreaker in the Bible?

M and Z Have Joined Team Asher...

Dear Blogging Friends,

Our friend Asher was born with Cystic Fibrosis. He gets sick a lot and our family has been praying for him since he was born. Now we have decided to join Team Asher and walk for Great Strides to help raise money for research. Our goal is $150.00. If you are interested in supporting us please visit our Great Strides Home Page to donate. Either way please pray for us as we prepare to walk on April 25th. Thanks!


Note from mom: M and Z overheard me discussing the walk with Chris. They both got so excited about it that we decided to walk as a family.

"We just really want Asher to get better soon so he doesn't have to be sick anymore."
-M's reason for participating in Great Strides

"Asher is one of my favorite babies!"
-Z's reason for participating in Great Strides

Monday, April 13, 2009

Why The Stallion Isn't Sure He Can Handle A Baby Girl...

"I'm married to the most wonderful woman in the world and even she goes insane without warning."

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Follow Your Own Path...

Z was trying to do a maze in the coloring book his grandparents sent him for Easter. Chris told him he just had to follow the lines and find the way to Eeyore. Z proceeded to draw a straight line from the start to finish, ignoring all the other lines. "Look! I found my own way to Eeyore!"

Happy Easter...

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Boys Grow Up...

I frequently refer to Chris, M and Z as "the boys". I sign letters Love Busy and "boys", I say lets go "boys" and whenever they are doing something with just Chris they tell me that its just "the boys". Until yesterday...

M: Your men are taking you out for a fancy dinner tonight mom!

Z: Yeah! And we are baking you a cake and you don't have to help, 'cause the men are gonna do all the work!

Is it just me or do they grow up way too fast???

(My fancy dinner was at Melting Pot, which was awesome! All my "men" looked very handsome in their suits and everyone behaved appropriately. Plus, dinner was delicious. :D)

Biblical Humor Day Seven...

What excuse did Adam give his children to explain why they had to leave the Garden of Eden?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Love you Busy!

In the grandest of what is now an annual tradition, I have hijacked Busy's blog to wish her a most wonderful, special, and happy birthday.

While I may be worse for the wear as the years add up, they seem to just bounce the beautiful BusyMommy. I won't reveal her age, of course, but she doesn't look a day of 24... honestly.

I love you Busy (even when you aren't busy...which is so very rare!)

As promised, though, I only use the fact that I know your passwords for the forces of good ;)


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Biblical Humor Day Six...

Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

No More Right Said Fred Songs...

"Dad's awesome, but I'm too sexy for my pants!"

-Z, referencing "I'm Too Sexy", which mom may or may not have accidentally played in the car without realizing that her four-year-old would spend the next few months singing church...


"This is a Vulcan heart. Vulcan's have green blood."

-Chris, while doing shape and color flashcards with Z. He was holding a green heart.

Baby, I love you, but please stop nerding up our kids...

Biblical Humor Day Five...

What kind of motor vehicles are in the Bible?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pregnancy Destroys Brain Cells...

In fathers, too, apparently.

"Or you can reach me at my office tomorrow. The number is 555-555-..." (Insert pregnant pause and incredibly dumbfounded expression.) Click. "I hope they think the voice mail cut me off. What the heck is my office number!?!?!?!?"

Temperature Issues...

"I was too hot last night because it was so cool in my room."

-Z, trying to convince Chris to turn on the air conditioner.

International Smells...

"Is that French rice? Something smells French."

-M, tonight at dinner.

Biblical Humor Day Four...

Who was the greatest female financier in the bible?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Z's Flashcards...

Chris holds up the letter Y card which has a picture of a yak on it. Z yells, "K for sheep!" Chris corrects him and moves onto number cards. "Onety-two" (12) "two-ty four" (24) and, of course, "Five-ty zero". We're working on it... :D

Biblical Humor Day Three...

Who was the greatest financier in the Bible?

Housing and Trasportation...

We put an offer on a house and our realtor reminded us not to charge or spend any significant amount of money (no new furniture, M's orthodontic work on hold, waiting a bit longer for our vacation). Chris and I said no problem. All that stuff could wait. Then the car broke. That is the one thing that cannot wait, since we only have one vehicle. The good news is that $500.00+ dollars from now we should still have one vehicle. Stupid car. If you were a horse I would have shot you by now and put us both out of our misery.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Jessica Simpson...

Chris: Maybe O.J. didn't kill Jessica Simpson.
Me: He didn't kill Jessica Simpson.
Chris: What was her name? Right. Nicole Simpson. Jessica Simpson was the one who o.d.'d in the Caribbean.
Me: No she didn't.
Chris: Who is Jessica Simpson, then.
Me: You know the singer that played Daisy Duke.
Chris: Who o.d.'d in the Caribbean then?
Me: Anna Nicole Smith
Chris: Oh. I'm still not clear on who Jessica Simpson is, though.

(This conversation did indeed take place, regardless of what The Stallion says in his comments...)

Biblical Humor Day Two...

What do they call pastors in Germany?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I Don't Think He Is Deaf...

Chris (to M): You're going to need to shower tonight.
M: Right now?
Chris: No, I want Z to take a bath so just wait awhile.
M: Do you want me to leave Z water for his bath?
Chris: He's eating. You can leave him water when you shower. Just wait a little.
M: Okay, so you don't want me to leave him water right now?
Chris: Not now. When you take a shower.
M: Okay.

(2 minutes later we hear the shower start. Chris just looks at me and sighs...)

Biblical Humor Day One...

What was Boaz before he married Ruth?

Friday, April 3, 2009

195 Days!?!?!?...

Stupid baby counter.

The Stallion Just Read An Email...

Informing him that you can "get rid of stretch marks in only 6 days!" His response? "Who cares?" Typical response from man who has never been pregnant...

(The Stallion earns numerous bonus points tonight for running out for Chinese food. Insert applause here...)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Things That Have Been Bothering Me...

Joaquin Phoenix: There is a difference between becoming a rapper and becoming a jerk. I might have bought your album, but at this point I am just sick to death of you...

Oprah: Why would you feel that publicly offering unsolicited advice to a young celebrity that has just been victimized is appropriate? Would you take advice from someone who feels entitled to bring your abuse public instead of respecting your privacy?

Rosie: Um, you were allowed to make the decision to come out of the closet in your own time. No one outed you. So why do you feel it is appropriate to call into question everyone else's sexuality? Why can't they have the same freedom you had?

Lindsay Lohan: I'm not saying that the paparazzi is not out to get you. I don't know. All I know is that if you weren't doing naughty things or showing naughty parts they couldn't take pictures of them. Just saying.

That Guy On The Radio This Morning: Who was yelling about how the speed control cameras are violating his rights. What rights are you referring to, the right to break the law or the right not to get caught?

And don't even get me started on moms who refuse to discipline their children and then try to force mine to play with them...

Okay, I'm done now. What about you guys? Anything bothering you?