Friday, February 15, 2008

How Z Is Feeling Today...

Z: I like helping at church.
Mom: I'm glad.
Z: I'm glad, too.
(Five minutes later...)
Z: Glad is happy, right?
Mom: Yes.
Z: So I'm happy, right?
Mom: Yes.
Z: Good. I like happy. I like glad. I don't like sad. Also, I don't like peanut butter.

With Love From...

Chris signed my Valentines Day card "The Stallion". Totally cracked me up...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chris's Movie Review...

"Its a pretty funny movie. I mean, I know that they kill Chris Rock, but come on. Who hasn't wanted to kill Chris Rock at one time or another?"

Friday, February 8, 2008

What A Nice Surprise...

Our church was clearing out their VHS tapes because we have gone to all DVD. When I was in to volunteer today they offered me any of them that I wanted. I ended up taking home 15 animated history classics which will be great for homeschooling, plus a few Veggie Tales and a couple of Adventures In Odyssey. All in all it was a great morning:D