Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Magic Chocolate Boxes...

For Valentines Day we gave each of the boys a small box of chocolate (3 pieces). They finished them in a few days, but Chris and I thought it would be funny to put one more piece in each box. They were so amazed that the boxes refilled themselves that we kept doing it. M has caught on by now, but not Z. Today he walked over to Chris and yelled, "My magic chocolate box even put in your favorite kind of chocolate, dad!" Its so cute, I know that they are going to be eating way more candy than usual for awhile.

Dear Mr. President...

About 2 years ago my husband and I were approached and encouraged to buy a house. We explained that we could not afford a house at this time. 'They' then showed us numerous ways that we could afford to buy a house, but we stood firm explaining that while 'they' could change and rearrange all the numbers we still made exactly the same amount of money. We chose to be responsible and live within our means. So at this point in time we can only assume that we will be receiving a check any day now from our government rewarding us for being responsible, since our tax dollars are helping out all those people who chose not to be. We appreciate this more than you know, because while we still live within a budget it is becoming harder and harder for us to so in this failing economy which I doubt will be much better when you finish throwing money at companies who have already proven that they cannot be responsible with it.

Thank you for your donation,


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ya, That Does Sound Gross...

M was reading the sign in the McDonalds window today. "McRib sandwich is back. Gross. Who would want to eat Ronald's rib???"

Monday, February 23, 2009

Not Really That Sneaky...

Chris and I were in the bedroom and Z knocked on our door. (Remember that part!) We told him to come in. The door opens and he begins to tip-toe around before hiding behind our dresser. We watched him for awhile then finally asked him what on earth he was doing. He peeks out from behind the dresser with a huge grin and whispers, "I'm being a sneaky butt."

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dear Steak I Had For Dinner Last Night...

When I saw you on the menu you just looked so good that I had to have you, but now I am regretting my selfish decision. As wonderful as last night was I'm afraid it is over between us. I spent all morning reliving my decision last night. It literally consumed me and made me unable to truly appreciate my beautiful family. So I am afraid this is good-bye, for now. Perhaps after the baby arrives we could renew our friendship, but until then, adieu.


Mrs. Busy Mommy

Friday, February 20, 2009

As Of The First Week Of October...

Busymommy will become busiermommy!!!

(Or, as The Stallion puts it, we are about to be outnumbered:D)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Z And The Isamanites...

Z just learned about how the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and last night in the bathtub I heard him yell, "Follow me, all you Isamanites! I will push the water for you!" Then I heard, "This is so NOT WORKING!!!"

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Interesting Praise...

On Tuesday I spent the entire day in the car on the freeway. I went from Mesa to Phoenix to Chandler to Phoenix and back to Mesa. I picked up Chris before I headed home and then I had a craving for a Sonic Slush. Right after we pulled in the manager flagged us down and told us we had a flat tire. Chris thanked him and went to change it only to discover we had no wrench (it is a used car and it wasn't in with the spare). Luckily, the manager had a lug wrench that fit. Chris changed the tire and drove half a block to where we bought the tires. Just as he pulled in the spare went flat. When the mechanic went to pull it into the garage to change the tire he discovered it was leaking antifreeze because we had a crack in our radiator. Our friends picked us up at the car place and our car was fine by tomorrow. (It did cost $500.00, but we had the money to pay for it and it could have been so much worse.) So...

Praise: Didn't blow a tire on the freeway while I was alone with the boys.
Praise: Didn't blow the radiator on the freeway while I was alone with the boys.
Praise: Had slush craving and stopped at Sonic less than half a block from mechanic.
Praise: Tire only cost $9.00 to repair since it was under warranty.
Praise: Someone was available to take us home from car place.
Praise: Chris was able to borrow a car so he didn't miss work.
Praise: Actually had the money to pay for car repair.

God is so good to us in so many ways!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Uh, Its The Same Amount Of Work...

Everyday when M sat down to do his workbook he would say, "Do I have to do both sides?" and everyday I would tell him he did. Chris just copied the second half of his workbook and, unlike last time, he didn't copy the worksheets back to back. That's fine, though, because I just give M 2 sheets. Now everyday M says, quite happily, "Its only one side!" Today I pointed out to him that he has to do two worksheets instead of just one, so technically he is doing the same amount of work. His reply? "No, I'm not. If I had to do two worksheets everyday I would have to do four sides. Now I just have to do two!" The ironic thing is that the subject is math...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sometimes It's Better Not To Ask...

Z runs out of his room wearing a red baseball cap. "Look dad! Jack died and now I'm Indiana Jones new helper. And look," holds up arm with Am Ex wristband on it, "I have American Express power!"

Friday, February 6, 2009


What my husband says happens when you play Wii without stretching.

Who Are You Kidding...

If you choose to have 14 children while living with your mom and using a sperm donor, please don't go on talk shows and talk about how you "can't do it all alone" because that is what you basically decided to do.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Less Video Games, Maybe...

Z: Am I still 4?
Me: Yep.
Z: Oh, man! I'm never gonna get to level 5!

Dumb Lady...

"Well, we believe that telling our children no when they ask to buy things sends them the wrong message. Telling them no is like saying they don't deserve things. After all, what are parents for if not to make our children's dreams a reality? Nothing should ever be out of their reach."

-Quote from the dumb lady I met at Ikea. Seriously. Dumb.

Healthy Hair...

(Photoqueen's spa story reminded me of this:)

When I was younger (high-school age) I had very long, very thick hair. Anytime I would go in to get a trim my mom and I would joke because it was always the same old thing. The stylist would compliment me on how beautiful and healthy my hair was and then ask what products I used. I would tell them that all I used was Pert Plus and then (it always happened!) they would inform me that that stuff was "really bad for my hair". Go figure.

BTW: I never really loved my hair because while it is thick and long it is also hard to manage and since it really doesn't feel worth the effort to me it is almost always braided or twisted up somehow. It looks about the same now as it did 20 years ago, too.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Son, The Rock Star...

M: Mom, can I rip some holes in my pants?
M: Man! But that's all I need to really be a rock star!

M: I'll play and you sing Living on a Prayer.
Z (singing): Oh Yeah, we're halfway ther-are, Oh no, living on a prayer.
M: Now say, its time for a guitar solo.
Z: Its time for a guitar solo. Oh oh, were halfway...
M: You don't sing during the guitar solo.
Z: But I like to sing.
M: Sigh. I really need to find a new backup singer.

Monday, February 2, 2009

One Time M...

applied a temporary tattoo in the backseat of the car using only his own spit. Quite impressive, really.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I'm Not A Huge Football Fan...

...but I am having a great time watching the game! It is a beautiful night here in AZ so our windows (and everyone else's) are wide open. Which means that when ever anything good happens (like the awesome touchdown the Cardinals just scored!!!) we get to celebrate with all our neighbors:D

Superbowl Conversation...

Z: I'm gonna watch the Superbowl with daddy.
Me: Good.
Z: The Superbowl is football.
Me: I know.
Z: Footballs are brown and not circles.
Me: I know.
Z: Squares are not circles.
Me: I know. They are squares.
Z: Footballs are not squares, though.
Me: I know.
Z: I want to eat chips with daddy, too.
Me: Okay.
M walks into the room and sees us on the couch.
M: What are you two talking about?
Z: I was just telling mom that I want Ramen Noodles for lunch.