Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The UPS Guy...

With most of my family out of state we get a lot of UPS packages, so we are on a first name basis with our local UPS driver. Today we were at the Taco Bell down the street when he stopped in for lunch. Z got really excited and started waving and yelling "hi". Then Z says, "write your name mommy. Its from my Grammy!" over and over and I realized he was excited because he thought we had a package. I tried to explain it to him, but he just wasn't getting it. I guess the UPS guy felt bad, though, because he gave him one of his cinnamon twists. So now Z keeps running around yelling, "Grammy send me cinnamon twists! Grammy send me cinnamon twists!" So I am dedicating this to our local UPS Driver who, to quote my older son, rocks:D


hobbitsister said...

what a great ups guy. let me know next time you're going to taco bell, and i'll have ups deliver a package to you there

Chris G said...

Ok- granted, these are my kids- but that is about the cutiest thing ever! Though I do remember a certain little person running around saying 'Mr Chris loves me!" Bet she'd turn bright red if we told her that now, huh?

chelleybutton said...

awww, how cute :)

And speaking of knowing the ups guy... When I was at school I went through a phase where I ordered a lot of J.Crew stuff online b/c they actually had good clearance deals back then... anyway, when I was going away for the summer, the mailman stopped by to double check my information, and then he said, "So no more J.Crew packages for a while?" (I was soo embarrassed!)

BusyMommy said...

Don't be...I have a friend whose husband traveled ALL THE TIME for work, so when she got pregnant we were all teasing her about her affair with the Schwans guy.

hobbitsister said...

apparently the ups guy is even better than santa

not a blog said...

His uniform is definitely better!

melilotnfosco said...

that's so sweet!