Sunday, July 15, 2007

I have this solitaire game...

that I have never lost. I have played over 250 times and my statistics are still 100% positive. Granted, the game is mostly skill and isn't very difficult, but still, I was proud of the fact that I had never lost. About 3 weeks ago the cards were dealt out in such a way that it is impossible to win, no matter what you do. There are simply no moves to make. Here is the pathetic part. Instead of starting a new game I saved that game and have not played since. That used to be one of my favorite things to do to unwind, but I can't bear to lose, even if it is through no fault of my own. Thinking on it I realized that it was really nice to have at least one thing in my life be 100% positive since so much of life...well...isn't. Anyway, I still haven't made myself go in and start a new game, but maybe one of these days I will just accept that perfection isn't all its cracked up to be. Still, it was nice while it lasted...


chelleybutton said...

Shame on them for making it so it's impossible to win! What skill is in that? Hmph. Can you just restart under a different name or something and leave that one saved?

chelleybutton said...

I forgot to say... I'm VERY impressed at your 100% track record! (what kind of solitaire is it, anyway?)

hobbitsister said...

is it free cell? because i know how to cheat at that...

BusyMommy said...

No, its called Little Billy and its on this program Chris bought me that has like 200 solitaire games. So maybe I should find a new one and start over:)

not a blog said...

Solitare is SO addicting! Almost as bad as SimCity!

not a blog said...

Oh how I miss SimCity- I just want to make parks and residential areas!

chelleybutton said...

Not a Blog, are you really Kimberly??

chelleybutton said...

I've actually never played Simm City...

chelleybutton said...

oops -- Sim :)