Friday, July 27, 2007

Naomi Watts Delivery... (Warning...kinda preachy...)

Naomi Watts had her baby, so congratulations to her and Liev Schrieber. That isn't really why I am posting, though. In the press release I read it contained the following statement. A source says, "Naomi was planning on giving birth next week - her due date was early August - but since she insisted on delivering naturally, she knew there was a chance she would have the baby before the due date. That's what wound up happening. "

Two Things...

1. You can't really plan when your baby is coming, unless you are scheduled to induce.
2. INSISTED ON DELIVERY NATURALLY!?!?! Why should she have to insist on that? I mean, drugs aside, isn't your baby coming when it is ready and healthy what every woman should want?

I recently read that the average time a woman will carry a baby has been lowered from 40 weeks to 38 weeks, due solely to the number of women who insist on being induced to fit their schedule. This has also lowered the average birth weight, because babies are being born so much sooner. I am not trying to be preachy or anything. It just strikes me as kind of sad that we (as a society) seem to be so concerned with our own schedule. I assure you that once that baby comes, your schedule is out the window.

(Just to clarify...I had a scheduled C-Section with Z due to the complications I had when I delivered M. I was 38 weeks, but I had an ultrasound the week before to make certain he was healthy enough to born. I have numerous friends and acquaintances who have induced their babies just so they could make the most of their maternity leave, which I understand to a point, but still, it bothers me.)


chelleybutton said...

I see your point. And it kind of reminds me of abortion and taking drugs to get pregnant... just how we take more & more things into our own hands and try to control them instead of leaving them up to God. Then again, I'm all for modern-day medicine... especially when my headaches interfere with my daily "schedule." I guess I can see both ways. But it's scary b/c we don't always know all the consequences of all this "taking matters into our own hands." (like you said: low birth weight)

hobbitsister said...

preach away, sister!
(i probably shouldn't talk, because i was induced both times. but they were both overdue and i was toxemic. we weren't trying to accomodate anybody's schedule)

BusyMommy said...

Not only that, but you had really quick labors. I am all for people inducing to keep their babies safe, just not okay with endagering their babies for their own convience.

Kimberly said...

I guess I can see both sides of the coins. It wasn't too long ago that I was SO done with being pregnant with Katie- those last weeks were killer- and even though my doctor wanted to let me out of all my non-baby-producing-labour, she couldn't because without a valid medical reason, she was not allowed to induce me before I was 10 days over! And apparently exhaustion is only an excuse for celebrities!

BusyMommy said...

That's interesting because here there are no laws governing inductions. A doctor just has to say that the baby is healthy enough to be born.

hobbitsister said...

i would think doctors would be too afraid of a lawsuit to say "go ahead, the baby's fine"

Kimberly said...

The more I hear, the more I think things are WAY different here. The government pays for almost everything so whim and silly schedules and money have very little to do with anything. That said, my mom did convince a doctor to induce her a few days early but that was twenty years ago in hick town hospital. Here in the city there are lots of regulations about things and I happen to have had a doctor that runs only by the book.