Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Jello Story (Or Why My Marriage Almost Ended After Only 2 Years)...

Hobbitsister and Enrique invited us over for dinner and when I asked if I could bring something Hobbitsister said, "jello". (Which is kind of like hobbitsister's SIL asking her to bring rice krispies treats.) Anyway, I tried to make jello, but it didn't work. So I went to the store to buy jello, then I put it in a dish to take to hobbitsisters. The only kind of jello they had was this weird stuff with some kind of canned fruit in it and it was like $7.00 a pound and I needed 2 pounds to fill the dish. I spent almost $15.00 on jello. When my husband found out (on the way to hobbitsisters house) he went totally nuts. (Unreasonably so, if you ask me.) So we get to H and E's fighting and we were going to drive around the block to finish, but they were outside and saw us. So Chris makes an excuse and leaves. Hobbitsister realizes we're fighting and thoughtfully asks if I want to talk about it, but since that would mean telling her I didn't actually make the jello I decided not to. We made up when Chris got back (totally G-rated, we were at someone elses house you know!) and had a lovely evening and a delicious dinner at which hobbitsister completely forgot to serve the jello. So H sent home the ENTIRE thing of jello, which was HORRIBLE and I spent the next week choking it down to prove a point to my husband. (I think the point I was trying to prove is that I will eat anything to prove a point.) Anyway, Hobbitsister called the next day and I told her the whole story and we still laugh about it. 'Cept not Chris, so much, since he is still upset that I spent $15.00 we didn't have on jello nobody in their right mind would eat.


hobbitsister said...

and i am still SO sorry i almost ended your marriage. i suggested jell-o because if i had told you to bring nothing (which i think i did), you would have insisted on bringing something (which i think you did). and i knew you didn't have an extra $15 to spend on bringing something fancy, so i figured i'd be nice and just have you spend seventy-five cents on a box of jell-o.

chelleybutton said...

How do they sleep at night, charging $15 for jell-o?!? Chris should be madder at the Jell-O business than you. ;)

Chris G said...

Well... a 3oz box of Jello is $0.25 on sale right now. So, $1.25- you are right- those lousy price fixing greed mongers! That's more than the mark up on gas!

BusyMommy said...

Hobbitsister, will you teach me to make jello if I teach you to make rice krispie treats?

chelleybutton said...

And it can't be done over the phone. Busy, you'll have to come to the midwest. ;)

hobbitsister said...

sounds like a great deal. and with jell-o being more expensive than gas, i'd bet chris would realize it's a bargain to fly you out here!

BusyMommy said...

He is frugal...