Thursday, July 12, 2007

Today I Actually Said To My Children...

"Will you two please stop doing things that are gross!?!?!?!?!"


hobbitsister said...

they stopped, right?

Chris G said...

Ah, no. As I tucked them in (BusyMommy doesn't know this...) they were both spitting over the rails of their beds. Well, ok- Z aka Bugsy, was spitting and M was laughing like a mad man. Any bets on how tomorrow morning goes??

chelleybutton said...

they probably have a different definition of gross :)

Kimberly said...

was Z spitting on M?

hobbitsister said...

i thought they've been told not to spit in the house
(what is it with boys and spitting, anyways?)

BusyMommy said...

When I first caught them they were spitting into the toilet. It is still gross. And after I made them stop they argued for like 5 minutes about who was going to flush the spit down the toilet.

BusyMommy said...

And Kim, no Z was not spitting on M because M has the top bunk and Z was spitting up at him. Basically he was just spitting on himself...

hobbitsister said...

so you haven't taught him not to spit into the wind?