Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Harry Potter...

This post may contain possible spoilers, but I don't think so since I haven't read the book. I guess it just depends on what your view of a "spoiler" is.

That much being said, Chris is sitting on the couch reading the last chapter of Harry Potter and crying. (Okay, not so much crying as sighing and sniffing, but that is close enough.) Which means that when I get to that chapter I will be bawling my eyes out. Which means that I will have to wait until I can read the end of the book when the children aren't hovering, asking me why I'm crying. Which means I will never get to read the end of the book. Sigh...

Oh, and props to my husband for putting down his book mid-chapter to play a game with M. (A game he invented, so you know how "fun" it was for grown-ups.) He also gets props for putting it down the other night when I interrupted him, but it is none of your business why;)


Chris G said...

Ah...well, what can I say! Um, Chellybutton- chapter 35...I won't even post the chapter title for fear it is a spoiler (hobbitsister ;) Yes- I am now putting the book down with 2, yes TWO chapters to go, on the way to Target and Taco Bell...now- if Taco Bell were the Taco Bell in Demolition Man it may make sense to people other than me :D

hobbitsister said...

NO chapter titles! my girls got the books from the library today and i forbade them to read the table of contents out loud.

BusyMommy said...

Okay, he had to explain the Demolition Man thing to me, but now I get it.

chelleybutton said...

"in the future ALL restaurants are Taco Bell" :D (what an odd movie--but I have a feeling it's what inspired Ahnold to run for CA governor...;)

and busymommy, you have to read it, even if it means you'll cry... sounds like Chris can keep the kids occupied with their games :)

and busymommy again... TMI!! (j/k;)