Monday, November 24, 2008

That Doesn't Make Sense...

M (very indignant): If I'm not English then how come I like English muffins?


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Huh. Well, I guess that explains it. I'm not English, and I don't like English muffins. :)

hobbitsister said...

maybe because he speaks english - yeah, that's it...

hobbitsister said...

but then, i'm not french and i like french fries and french toast. go figure.

chelleybutton said...

And what do they call fries in France? And what do they call regular bacon in Canada? I think it's funny that we both posted about some form of muffins, busy. :)

Josh said...

We just call it bacon. The stuff you call canadian bacon is either "canadian bacon" or "back bacon". Sometimes we say "side bacon" to make it clear that we mean regular and not back bacon. Especially on pizza, where back bacon is the more common variety.

French fries in France are "pommes frites", or "fried apples" literally. Which seems weird, except that the word for potatoes is "pomme de terre" or "earth apples". The weirder thing is that in Germany they are still called "Pommes frites" even though the german word for potato is "Kartoffeln" and "to fry" is "braten".

melilotnfosco said...

i bet if you asked grandma brandybuck she would say we're french, and that would explain it

melilotnfosco said...

that comment directed to hobbitsister, obviously

chelleybutton said...

wow, how do you know all that, josh?? and why do they call it 'back bacon'? and why 'side bacon' for the normal stuff? it sure is backwards there in canada! ;) (just kidding:)

hobbitsister said...

(to mel) and then she'd tell us we were direct descendents of joan of arc

Kimberly said...

direct descendents of Joan of Arc, really? I don't think she had any time for kids! :)
Josh says "because that's where it comes from." I think that is too much information! :)