Thursday, November 13, 2008

God Hates Sin...

"Some might find it surprising that I teach my nine-year-old about God's wrath toward sin. But I find it surprising that any loving person would withhold this truth from another person they love. Because only when we understand God's wrath toward sin can we realize that we need to be saved from it. Only when we hear they very bad news that we're deserving of judgment can we appreciate the very good news that God has provided salvation through His Son."

-C.J. Mahaney "The Cross Centered Life"


melilotnfosco said...


chelleybutton said...

Yeah, I think that's a lot better than the alternative. Too many parents are too easy on kids nowadays (and I think this kind of goes along with that). (I know I'd probably be too though;) But what good does that do them? I think it's better to tell them the truth. And like you said, it's much more amazing when you consider God's grace and love in light of his wrath!

chelleybutton said...

oops, I meant His. :)

hobbitsister said...

i totally agree. His grace and love are that much greater when we understand how we deserve to be squashed like a bug.

BusyMommy said...

I like that. I'll have to use that on my boys:)