Saturday, May 9, 2009

One Of Those Moments...

M turned 8 today. Say WHAT!!??!? That's right! My baby is 8! I can hardly believe it, but now that I think about it I probably saw it coming. Little signs were all over, really. Like the fact that I can no longer lift him up into my arms. Or the fact that he doesn't call me mommy anymore and kisses my cheek instead of my lips. Maybe it was the fact that he prefers chapter books to picture books and loves multiplication. Or it could have been that he wants to play football or chess with his friends instead of Candyland with his mommy. Its weird, but even with all those signs it still caught me by surprise that my baby, my first-born is officially an 8 year old. It helped, though, when he commented on his new status.

"I know I'm eight, but I still feel seven. It will probably take a week or two before I really feel eight."


HonorMommy said...

Yeah, I know I'm almost 30, but I still FEEL will probably take a week or two before I really feel 50... :-P

BusyMommy said...

LOL HonorMommy! Sadly, I've felt 50 for awhile now:)

hobbitsister said...

those precious kids. how is it that each day can seem eternally long, but the years slip by so quickly?

MCG1 said...

Yep! thats right I`m 8 but I feel 7