Thursday, May 21, 2009

Comfort Foods...

A friend and I were discussing "comfort foods" yesterday and I decided that mine are saltines and ginger-ale (even when I'm not sick!) and my mom's homemade egg custard (which my husband makes almost as well. Okay, probably just as well, its just not mom's!) I decided at breakfast that I would probably add sugary cold cereal to that list as well. What about you? What are some of your "comfort foods"?


HonorMommy said...

Sour cream and ranch powder mixed into dip...I eat it on tacos, fajitas, chips, and veggies...and sometimes just with my finger. And every time I even look at it I gain a pound so I don't allow sour cream in the house (unless it is a special occasion and I need to make my famous twice-baked potatoes...)

BusyMommy said...

I buy my ranch powder and sour cream in bulk at Costco:D

Fiona D. said...

Macaroni and cheese. Orange soda when I am sick.

chelleybutton said...

I'm a bit overwhelmed by this question. Perhaps I have too many comfort foods... Dove dark, cereal, grilled cheese, my mom's noodles (really, lots of things she makes -- although I didn't realize that until going to college;), I think the list goes on...