Friday, May 1, 2009

8 Things...

I got "tagged"...twice! So here you go...

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:

1. Baby 3
2. M's Birthday
3. Trip to Legoland (next weekend for M's birthday!)
4. New Housing (We have an offer in, but still in limbo...)
5. Another Peanut Butter Brownie (What!?!?!? There yummy!)
6. A Date With My Husband (soon??? maybe???)
7. Being Done With Homeschooling for the Year (I'm in good me:)
8. My Nephew's Birthday Party (H is almost 3...can you believe it???)

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

1. Napped (just a given these days)
2. Spent 2 kid-free hours with my husband.
3. Took Z to P.E. (last day)
4. Missed M (he had a great time with friends at the Zoo, but I still missed him.)
5. Skipped Dinner (I ate a few tortilla chips later, but I just wasn't hungry.)
6. Watched Hell's Kitchen with the Stallion.
7. Took Z to breakfast at Jack-in-the-Box.
8. Took a short walk.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:

1. Knit (Thanks for trying to teach me Mrs. L. Sorry I'm such a bad student:( )
2. Bake. (Sort of...I mean, what if I want peanut butter brownies when Chris isn't home???)
3. Grow a Garden.
4. Lift M. (When did he get so big???)
5. Hug Hobbitsister.
6. Sleep Comfortably.
7. Catch up on laundry. (If only we were nudists...)
8. Sleep in with my husband. (Chris usually lets me sleep in on weekends, which is nice, but it would be nice if we could sleep in together occasionally.)

8 T.V. Shows I Watch:

Okay, I have to change this to "have watched" because I really don't watch T.V.
1. Hell's Kitchen (Chris watches and I got hooked while on bed rest so I'll be finishing up the season. I think Paula's got it.)
2. House (Chris watches it, so its on in the background...)
3. Family Guy (Chris...)
4. CSI (re-runs and CSI:NY is out at this house since the Gary Sinise dream...)
5. Scrubs (Chris and I used to watch this one a lot, but we lost interest.)
6. 30 Minute Meals (M's favorite)
7. Handy Manny (Z's favorite)
8. Numb3rs (I like this show, I just don't watch T.V. and never seem to catch it.)

Okay, I'll tag the Stallion just for fun, but that's all for me folks!


Fiona D. said...

One of Polly's favorite show is 30 minute meals too. She wants to be Rachel Ray when she grows up. Or at least a blond version.

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Oh, think how many things you could have knitted on bed rest! (I can't knit either - and thought about putting it on my list. :) )

BusyMommy said...

Oh...they could do 30 minute meals together! We have a bunch of the cookbooks and M always pretends he's on a cooking show when helps with dinner.

HonorMommy said...

Ooh...Numbers...I wonder if they have that out on husband and I need a new show to watch together after the kids go to bed...

HonorMommy said...

...and they do... just added it to Netflix! :-D

chelleybutton said...

I would've been looking forward to another peanut butter brownie too, Busy. :D

hobbitsister said...

wish i could hug you, too!