Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Poor Parenting...

I just gave M a ridiculous ultimatum because I am just so sick of him messing around instead of just doing his work. I know that it was ridiculous. I know that I will have to follow through on it. I know that it wasn't a proud parenting moment. But then again I also know that his school work should have taken him less than an hour today and yet he's been at it for well over two. Serenity Now!!!!


Fiona D. said...

If you REALLY were a poor parent, you wouldn't realize you gave him a ridiculous ultimatum (we all do it!). You would dictate with fear and not from a place of love. You are a fabulous parent.

chelleybutton said...

you're not gonna tell us the ultimatum? ;)

on a slightly related note, have you ever read 'Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type'? It's a kid's book that uses the word ultimatum, and I love it. :) (by Doreen Cronin)

Rachel Olimb said...

Serenity Now! That made me laugh, ha!

BusyMommy said...

Thank you, Fiona. I needed that.

One of my favorites, chelley. Love the sequels, too.

And the ultimatum was that he would have to do twice as much math tomorrow if he didn't finish his worksheet in the next two minutes. Since we are doubling up with school so we can finish early, this would have been 4 lessons in one day. Ridiculous! Luckily he finished, which just goes to show you that he can work when properly "motivated"!

chelleybutton said...

see, you were just confident in his ability :)

Chris G said...

I've spent time with the boys today... Busy, you are a saint and you know it.

Let's just say the day ended with Z doing a somersault off of the couch and head first into the coffee table. That about sums it up *sigh* tomorrow will be better ;)

HonorMommy said...

**grins an evil grin at Chris**--welcome to my world! :-)

Busy...poor parenting would mean NOT following through with the ultimatum. That you planned on following through, means that you are a good mom :-D. And btw...making him do twice as much math tomorrow is not a horrible ultimatum--it would be good for him!

Chris G said...

Interestingly enough, M has started saying odd things and asking if they are going to be on Mom's blog. If only he knew...

hobbitsister said...

sometimes even moms have to slip into survival mode and do whatever it takes to make it through the day.