Monday, April 27, 2009

Good Reminder...

"Homemaking-being a full-time wife and mother-is not a destructive drought of uselessness but an overflowing oasis of opportunity; it is not a dreary cell to contain one's talents and skills but a brilliant catalyst to channel creativity and energies into meaningful work."

-Dorothy Patterson


Chris G said...

I'll keep this for when people ask what you do. I have offended many coworkers by saying, in fact, my wife works harder then any of us office-bound folks do. I'll get off the soap box about the mom who's daycare potty-trained her daughter...or the one who whined becuase she had to take are of her sick child becuase her fever was 1 degree over the dacare's limit. wait...

HonorMommy said...

AMEN!!! :-D

HonorMommy said...

I Amen'd Busy before reading Chris' comment, but now I'm Amen'ing Chris' comment...AMEN!!! :-D

chelleybutton said...

Busy, you need more updates! I fear FB has taken you from us... I miss your witty remarks here! ;)