Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl Conversation...

Z: I'm gonna watch the Superbowl with daddy.
Me: Good.
Z: The Superbowl is football.
Me: I know.
Z: Footballs are brown and not circles.
Me: I know.
Z: Squares are not circles.
Me: I know. They are squares.
Z: Footballs are not squares, though.
Me: I know.
Z: I want to eat chips with daddy, too.
Me: Okay.
M walks into the room and sees us on the couch.
M: What are you two talking about?
Z: I was just telling mom that I want Ramen Noodles for lunch.


chelleybutton said...

Did I miss part of the conversation? ;)

hobbitsister said...

you missed the ramen segue, duh! :)

HonorMommy said...

That could easily be a conversation between me and Connor! :-D