Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Healthy Hair...

(Photoqueen's spa story reminded me of this:)

When I was younger (high-school age) I had very long, very thick hair. Anytime I would go in to get a trim my mom and I would joke because it was always the same old thing. The stylist would compliment me on how beautiful and healthy my hair was and then ask what products I used. I would tell them that all I used was Pert Plus and then (it always happened!) they would inform me that that stuff was "really bad for my hair". Go figure.

BTW: I never really loved my hair because while it is thick and long it is also hard to manage and since it really doesn't feel worth the effort to me it is almost always braided or twisted up somehow. It looks about the same now as it did 20 years ago, too.


chelleybutton said...

I was/am the same way! Although I do like my hair (one of the few things I like on me!;) but have a hard time cutting much of it. :( Anyway... one time I joined a friend for this hair convention/makeover show (she got her hair permed for cheap there), and we were sitting in the audience for some [big] presentation but realized we had to leave early b/c her dad was there to pick us up. Of course we were sitting near the front and middle. So we had to leave while the guy was still talking and make such a scene! Anyway, it was right after he had said something about how everyone not blow-drying their hair should be shot (ouch -- I didn't!). My friend got out faster than me and when she was almost out of the room and I was still in the middle of the aisle, he called out on the microphone, "Hey, you with the great hair! Where are you going?" Obviously I was MORTIFIED (hehe, I'm pretty sure I was 16 or 17 then so that adjective fits -- in fact, it probably would still, but I loved how it was always in 'Seventeen' magazine:), but I also wanted to give him a piece of my mind. Didn't, of course. Stammered something like, "I have to go." But yeah, proved him wrong, I guess! Not true anymore though. Air-drying just leaves frizzy hair on me. I think it has something to do with getting older (although I kind of wonder if it also has to do with starting to use all their products b/c they told me I needed to!;). Anyway, I'm also always putting my hair up -- only, I'm always putting it up then taking it down and so on. :) So why am I afraid of cutting it too much if I'm always putting it up? I have no idea...

chelleybutton said...

oh, wow, that was long! sorry!

BusyMommy said...

I don't blame you for being moritified;P Hair dryers leave mine frizzy, but I found a new serum that I use that keeps it from frizzy while it air dries.

Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

I have gotten compliments on my hair before...but I don't know how to do anything with it, so I have a hard time appreciating it.

Also, I used Pert Plus my whole life, except now I use Suave - the cheap version of Pert Plus. :)

HonorMommy said...

Okay, I've always used Pantene or Vive and have always gotten comments on how soft my hair is. I have a friend who is a cosmetologist who recently colored my hair red :-D. Anyway, the whole time she was doing my hair she kept going on and on about how soft my hair was. She knew I used Pantene and basically ordered me to buy salon stuff because the color she put on my hair required "hair insurance". I am also not to wash my hair more than once every other day if that often. Oh and I am supposed to use a flat iron and hair serum. I spent $40 on shampoo and conditioner and my hair isn't nearly as nice as it was for under $10...I am not doing that again!

(oh you may wonder why I care so much what she thinks, but I literally see her or her husband every single day since her husband is my husband's business isn't worth the disappointed looks she gives me when I don't do my hair!)