Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Son, The Rock Star...

M: Mom, can I rip some holes in my pants?
Me: Uh...no.
M: Man! But that's all I need to really be a rock star!

M: I'll play and you sing Living on a Prayer.
Z (singing): Oh Yeah, we're halfway ther-are, Oh no, living on a prayer.
M: Now say, its time for a guitar solo.
Z: Its time for a guitar solo. Oh oh, were halfway...
M: You don't sing during the guitar solo.
Z: But I like to sing.
M: Sigh. I really need to find a new backup singer.


Chris G said...

You forgot...take my hand we'll make it somewhere :D

chelleybutton said...

Guitar Hero? I still haven't played it. That's probably a good thing, because with music like 'Livin' on a Prayer,' I'm sure I'd be addicted. ;) Oh, and btw, I could so see this scene on a sitcom. :)

hobbitsister said...

has he given up his dream to be a dentist, or is he going to be a rock star dentist?