Thursday, February 12, 2009

Interesting Praise...

On Tuesday I spent the entire day in the car on the freeway. I went from Mesa to Phoenix to Chandler to Phoenix and back to Mesa. I picked up Chris before I headed home and then I had a craving for a Sonic Slush. Right after we pulled in the manager flagged us down and told us we had a flat tire. Chris thanked him and went to change it only to discover we had no wrench (it is a used car and it wasn't in with the spare). Luckily, the manager had a lug wrench that fit. Chris changed the tire and drove half a block to where we bought the tires. Just as he pulled in the spare went flat. When the mechanic went to pull it into the garage to change the tire he discovered it was leaking antifreeze because we had a crack in our radiator. Our friends picked us up at the car place and our car was fine by tomorrow. (It did cost $500.00, but we had the money to pay for it and it could have been so much worse.) So...

Praise: Didn't blow a tire on the freeway while I was alone with the boys.
Praise: Didn't blow the radiator on the freeway while I was alone with the boys.
Praise: Had slush craving and stopped at Sonic less than half a block from mechanic.
Praise: Tire only cost $9.00 to repair since it was under warranty.
Praise: Someone was available to take us home from car place.
Praise: Chris was able to borrow a car so he didn't miss work.
Praise: Actually had the money to pay for car repair.

God is so good to us in so many ways!


Fiona D. said...

In my book, you are definatly one of God's special ones. I am glad He was looking out for you.

melilotnfosco said...

very cool :)

Kimberly said...

I love that we have a God who does things like that!

chelleybutton said...

My favorite praise is that you had a slush craving. ;) But yay for all of them! And good job seeing all the praises. :)