Monday, August 10, 2009

Z's Imaginary Friend...

Z has an imaginary friend he calls "Mousie". Mousie is pretty much everything I'm not. He lets Z do what he wants to do, when he wants to do it and is always saying exactly what Z wants to hear. Tonight, for instance, when Z wet his bed he got up to tell me and announced:

"Mousie said to get up and change my shirt and get a new blanket, but not to worry because he wasn't disappointed in me."

I would not have been disappointed in him if he had actually been asleep, but he wasn't. He was just too lazy to get up. So I wonder why I frequently feel in superior to Mousie?


HonorMommy said...

Oh...once again he sounds like Connor!!! Well, Connor's "imaginary" friend is his bear named Fred, but other than that, pretty similar ;-D.

hobbitsister said...

i like that he wasn't willing to get up to use the bathroom, but he was ok with getting up and telling you about it.