Saturday, August 1, 2009

Z Playing Sequence...

"Wait! Is that cheating? Can you go diagonals? Oh, okay. But you said we can't make L's and I made an L. Look! 12345! That is a sequence. How come? Oh, you can make L's, but they aren't sequence. But diagonals are sequence? Okay. (Game Ends.) Wait! I didn't get to steal one! I have a steal one Jack. If I could steal your sequence you wouldn't win. But that is cheating. I'll just steal this one. (Randomly selects chip. Walks away happy that he stole a chip regardless of the outcome:)


Chris G said...

He doesn't seek to cheat...but he does seek to understand how very far he can bend and still follow the rules!

hobbitsister said...

kind of sounds like how a lot of us go through life, chris