Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why Our Kids Don't Sleep In Our Bed...

Our kids have never been allowed to sleep in our beds and last night I remembered why. Z has had a lot of asthma problems the last few days which has resulted in him being up A LOT and waking up WAY TOO EARLY. So around 5am last night I pulled him into bed with us so we could all get some more sleep.

"I have to tell you guys something. I just really love you."
"I think someone is squishing my leg."
"I just really love cuddling with you, dad. That's why I'm cuddling you."
"La La La La. Dum-de-dum. La La La La..."
"I totally getting squeezed here."
"I'm so glad we are all snuggling."

He did eventually fall asleep around 5:30 and slept for another hour+ curled up next to Chris. Which is why he isn't allowed to get in our bed again. That's where I sleep!


Freddy said...

love it! I've woken up enough times and found myself laying at the very edge of the bed, cold with almost no covers, and facing away to save my body from attack. No more monkeys in my bed! Now I just make a bed on the floor for whoever is ill or scared.

Freddy said...

Hi, Joanna, that comment before was from me, Kari Casteel. It says Oreo though, which is my daughters blog name. I didn't realize she was logged in.

Chris G said...

He tried it again this morning...but claimed he was looking for the bathroom...

hobbitsister said...

our kids never slept in our bed (except on a couple of very rare occasions when they were really sick) because we figured we devote so much of our time and space to them, we need to have a 'kid-free' zone.

Rachel Olimb said...

He knows that's not the norm, that's why he felt so special :). What a great memory!

BusyMommy said...

I let him nap with me this afternoon. After an hour of trying to get him to stay in his bed I just gave up and we napped in my bed together. I hope I'm not starting a pattern with him, but he just really needs more sleep!

melilotnfosco said...

i almost went to sleep in my parents' bed last year during a really bad thunderstorm

HonorMommy said...

That is sweet that you still cuddle up with Chris. Paul and I are not very big nighttime cuddlers...we like cuddling during movies, etc., but at night we want our space!

None of our kids have ever slept in our bed (except Honor at naptime out of necessity since she and Ariana share a room and will not take naps together). There is a very good reason the kids do not sleep in our room...I have waking dreams.

For the first 8 months of Honor's life, I literally woke up every single night searching for her under the covers, hoping I was in time to keep her from smothering to death. I was always convinced she was there, no matter what Paul said. It did no good for him to argue with me, I just had to keep looking until I woke up enough to realize I was dreaming and could go back to sleep. I did this same thing with all of the other kids too, but it wasn't as bad as with Honor. To this day, if there is anything stressful going on in my life, you can bet I will "wake up" in the middle of the night looking for one of my kids who has managed to get out of their rooms and for some reason felt the urge to go hide in my closet. I am always thankful when I manage to do my "searching" quietly enough that I don't wake up Paul--it is embarrassing when I realize what I am doing!

BusyMommy said...

Oh, how scary! Z sleep walks and M had night terrors, but I sleep like a baby:)