Monday, August 17, 2009

So Many Things Are Incomprehensible...

M: God is incomprehensible.
Z: I can't even say that word.
M: I'll help you. Repeat after me. In...
Z: In...
M: Comp...
Z: Comp...
M: Be... no, wait. That's not right.
Z: Be...
M: Let me start over. In...
Z: In...
M: Com...
Z: Com...
M: Pre...
Z: Pre...
M: Him... wait. Hen. Yeah, hen.
Z: Him...
M: No! Hen! Oh, just forget it. Just say We can't understand God.
Z: Because He's incomprehensible, right?


hobbitsister said...

too, too cute (both of them)!

i remember teaching my sunday school kids that God is incomprehensible. i asked "what does this word mean?" and marissa p. said "i don't know - it's too big!" and i said "exactly!"

HonorMommy said...


HonorMommy said...

And hobbitsister...great lesson! :-D

melilotnfosco said...
