Thursday, September 20, 2007

Chris's Appointment...

Today was Chris's appointment with the urologist. Their is good news and bad news. (Mostly just frustrating news.) The cancer marker he scored high on is the most dangerous of all the markers, however that does not necessarily mean that the cancer is back. The doctor said the x-ray was clear and he felt no tumors, but their could still be cancerous cells. So they re-ran the blood work today and did a CT scan. He has a follow-up appointment on October 5th. If the CT scan is clear and the blood work is normal he will see the doctor again in 6 months. However, if the blood work is still elevated then they will begin chemotherapy. Preventative chemo sounds drastic, but the way I understood it if we wait until we can "see" something it might be too late to treat it before it spreads. Chris has seminoma and unless it has a tumor (which he had last time) it is hard to see it before it is too late. The decision will be made on October 5th, but I think we have pretty much decided that if the marker is high we will do the chemo "just in case". Thank you for your prayers. Please pray for patience as we begin another waiting game.


hobbitsister said...

don't you just want to scream when they tell you to wait?
we'll keep praying. love you guys!

HR's mom and dad said...

we are praying for you guys! H. and I said a prayer and he said "Amen." :)
And, yes, you can just drop Z off over here and go with Chris.

BusyMommy said...

Thank you. I have to take M to school first, so I will have to work out the time. I'll let you know as soon as I can.

Kimberly said...

We're praying for you guys! Wish we could help in a tangible way!