Thursday, April 19, 2007


It worked!!! So, quick update. If anyone knows a cure for transformer-itis we need 3 antidotes and quickly! I turned 30 without too many "you're getting old" jokes. I will be done with daycare next week and, while I thought that I would be relieved to have a break, I am actually feeling a little sad at the thought of not seeing my nephew regularly every week. (Not to mention my brother and darling sister-in-law!) We have a new nephew, Nathan, who arrived on April 12th. My neighbor had a baby, also (Quinton). So now I have baby-itis, but I am trying to lose more weight before the next one. (I am down 45 pounds, yeah for me!) I started "training" for the half-marathon coming up in January. (I am pretty much just continuing to run the six miles a day that I usually do, but I am planning to gradually add more.) Today is my husband's birthday, so I am making him a pie. Oh, yes, and when I ran my dishwasher today I smelled this funky smell. I turned it off and opened it and all this smoke came out of it. Now my house smells like burnt rubber and pumpkin pie. Hopefully maintenance will be here soon.


hobbitsister said...

happy birthday! i am the world's biggest dope for missing that one. i'm so sorry. i don't know how that happened, but please, please forgive me. i feel like a really lousy friend.

hobbitsister said...

oh, and you go girl, losing weight and running a half-marathon. you are my hero!

hobbitsister said...

and transformeritis, still? you poor dear.

hobbitsister said...

and sorry about your dishwasher. at least you don't have to fix/replace it yourself (one of the perks of apartment living)

BusyMommy said...

It's alright. I know how busy you have been. I hope things slow down for you a bit this summer.

hobbitsister said...

thank you, but busyness isn't an excuse. i'm really, truly, very sorry.