Thursday, April 19, 2007

My Pregnant Menards Story...

Okay, I am telling this only because so many people have requested it (okay, one person), not because I still have a personal vendetta against Menards. When I was 2 months pregnant (my first pregnancy) I was sent on an errand to Menards to buy cedar mulch for my parents garden. I went to Menards where three different people sent me to three different places before finally telling me that all I had to do was pay for it and then drive around to the lumber yard. (If you have never been to the lumber yard section I would recommend avoiding it at all costs.) So anyway, I pay for the mulch and drive around to the lumber yard where I am informed that they did not give me the right paperwork so I had to go back inside to customer service. They corrected the problem, blew off my complaints and sent me back to the lumberyard. I drive back around to the lumber yard, pass "inspection" and am sent way to the back to pick up the mulch. When I get there I find some employee to tell me where I get the mulch. He looks at my paperwork then tells me that I can't take anything until I go back to the inspection point and pick up a yellow pick up slip. So I drive back to the "inspector", chew him out and head back to the mulch area. A different employee looks at my yellow slip, points to the mulch and then magically disappears! It takes me 10 minutes to find another stupid employee to load the 100+ pound bags into my car (and they were not very nice about it, even after I told them I was in the family way!). Then I drive back to the inspection point to leave and the same moron who sent me in without a yellow slip says I can't leave without a blue slip. At this point in time I told him where to...well, anyway...I told him that two different people had "helped" me and that neither of them had offered me a blue slip. When he told me that I would have to drive back in and get one I decided I had had it. So I parked my station wagon in the middle of the exit door and rolled the window up until he finally had some other flunky bring up a blue slip so I could leave. I mean, come on! Why on earth would a woman who cannot even lift the bag of mulch steal them?!?!?! After that experience I am a hard-core Home Depot fan...


Kimberly said...

Wow! That is a great pregnant story! Good job you not picking up the multch and getting someone else to do it! I hope after that you parked in all of the expectant mother parking spots! (I always had trouble doing that before I was showing but that was when I needed it the most!) Is Menards like Walmart?

BusyMommy said...

Nope, it is a great big hardware store with numerous under-qualified employees. (I know because my husband worked there during high-school, you should hear HIS stories :)

hobbitsister said...

you can bet they would have received a nasty letter from me.
and just wondering - is that 2 months pregnant the way you count, or 2 months pregnant the way normal people count?
(busymommy had a 4 1/2 month pregnancy, because she was clueless for the first half of it)

Chris G said...

*sigh* Yes... I worked at Menards... The worst place in the world for customer service... closely followed by WalMart and Denny's... Unless, of course, at Menards you are a guy- then they can't wait to help you. And- on the Menards soapbox- WHY in the name of all things sane do the lumber yard guards have GUNS??? NO- he's stealing wood without a blue slip- Blast 'em!!! (sorry- I suffer from the oft-mentioned Transformeritis... it is a lifetime illness for me, and I am developing a 12 step program in hope of saving future generations...

hobbitsister said...

the lumberyard guards have guns? now i feel safe.

BusyMommy said...

You do realize that I could have been shot for not having a blue slip!?!?!?!?! Seriously, I do believe that was my first near-death experience!

BusyMommy said...

Oh, and cheap shot about the pregnancy thing!!! For all we know I could give birth tomorrow and wouldn't you feel bad for making fun of me then!

Kimberly said...

You didn't know you were pregnant for the first few months? Lucky!
And what's with security guys carrying guns? First of all, it's only wood- that certainly isn't worth a life, and secondly, isn't it illegal?

BusyMommy said...

It isn't illegal in MN as long as you have a license and it isn't concealed. (Same laws in AZ for that matter.) And, no, when I got pregnant with M I didn't figure out until I was 4 1/2 months pregnant, having been told that I couldn't have children and having been off birth control for 3+ years. It was a nice surprise, though.

BusyMommy said...

And for the record I figured out I was pregnant with Z at 6 WEEKS, so I am not a complete moron...just a partial moron:) That was, seriously, the longest pregnancy EVER. I thought he was never going to get here!

hobbitsister said...

i didn't say you were a moron. i just figured there was a difference being 2 or 6 months pregnant (in normal people time)
and yes, m was definitely a wonderful surprise blessing

Kimberly said...
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Kimberly said...

Let's try that again!
Oh man! An extra three months of being pregnant must have been brutal! Katie was 2 weeks longer than Aiden and I thought I was going to die!- well not really, but I was ready to lynch someone!

melilotnfosco said...

i had to go to the lumbaryard once and yeah - it's really scary