Saturday, April 21, 2007

My Heron...

I jog on a walking path that runs along the open canal behind our home. The canal is filled with ducks and fish and a great big heron. I love that bird, it is really beautiful, but it is also HUGE! It is also usually timid and maintains at least a 5-7 foot distance between itself and people. I say usually because tonight while I was jogging that stupid bird was sitting in the middle of the path and WOULD NOT MOVE! I know it is silly, but I was afraid to go around it because it is really big and I don't want something that big, with that long of a beak anywhere near me. So, instead, I made a complete jerk of myself yelling at it, stomping at it and waving my arms at it. It just stood there and looked at me until I finally moved as far to the right of it as I could and sprinted past. When I looked back it was still just standing there, so I am, apparently, not that threatening. All I know is that I didn't want to be known as the first woman to die of a heron attack.


hobbitsister said...

i hope the video of you trying to shoo the bird shows up on youtube :)

hobbitsister said...

that reminds me of my goose story - i'll have to share that one.

BusyMommy said...

Please do! And wouldn't it be just like people to videotape me instead of saving me from the vicious attack heron?

hobbitsister said...

don't you love camera phones?

melilotnfosco said...

it woulda been such a great story if you had been attacked

hobbitsister said...

obviously she's the caring one in my family.