Monday, April 23, 2007

Every Flavor Beans...

My grandmother LOVES those Jelly-Belly jelly beans that come in the compartmentalized box so each flavor has its own space. The other day at Borders I found a box of "Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans" from Harry Potter in box just like the Jelly-Belly ones. So, do you think it would be a good idea to pick her up a box for her birthday this year or not? I mean the every flavor beans come with booger flavor and sardine flavor and vomit flavor and grass flavor and so on and so forth. I'm just wondering if she isn't a little tired of the same old flavors we send every year. This would defiantly spice things up, so to speak.


hobbitsister said...

yuck! i ate a worm-flavored one, and it was pretty gross (it tasted like grass, dirt, and blood). i wouldn't want them, but it could be fun, i guess. just make sure you warn her!

BusyMommy said...

M and I are reading "How To Eat Fried Worms" this week. He's loving it, I'm kinda sick...

Kimberly said...

Um.. hobbitsister, how do you know what grass and dirt and blood all taste like?

hobbitsister said...

kim - weren't you ever a kid? and believe me, if you'd eaten that jellybean, you would have been able to identify the flavors

hobbitsister said...

scout says go for it.
erma says yes, but get her a small package of jellie bellies, too.
d says if she has a good sense of humor, go ahead.

BusyMommy said...

Well, we've all been outvoted by my husband who says that she would probably feel obligated to eat the entire box, which is just too nasty to comprehend.

Kimberly said...

I never was that kind of kid (and I was my parent's wild child, go figure! We have a very boring family.) Josh just said that grass has a rather boring flavour- he should know!

melilotnfosco said...

yeah, grass wasn't that bad. i don't remember ever eating those things when i was little, but you can tell the taste by the smell of the real thing. and i think the worm one is the worst (except the vomit one, which i refuse to try) because it has an aftertaste that just does not go away.